The information below is regularly being updated where necessary. If a leaflet/information page which you need is not yet available to download, please email or call 01935 383 077.
Please contact us if you would like a leaflet in large print, a different format or you would like a leaflet in a different language. You can also ring us to suggest a new leaflet.
Our library team can direct you to quality health information
Acute back pain
Acute hip injury
Acute foot/ankle injury
Acute neck pain
Advice for parent/carer of a child with a head injury
Care during and following and Epileptic Seizure
Caring for your child after a burn or scald injury
Chest wall injuries
Do I need an X-ray
Driving advice following a collapse
Emergency contraception
Eye care
Head injury advice for adult patients
Head injury advice for relatives and friends
How to use crutches
Knee injury
Mallet finger injuries
Physiotherapy referral
Plaster cast advice
Shoulder injury
Wound care
Wrist fracture / injury
Paediatric ED information
Buckle wrist fracture
Chickenpox infection
Febrile convulsions
Fever in children
Gastroenteritis in children
Henoch Schönlein Purpura
Pulled elbow
Teddy tells you about your MRI scan
Information in Polish
Acute Hip Injuries (Poważne urazy biodra)
Acute Knee Injury (Poważne urazy kolan)
Acute Neck Pain (Porady dotyczące ostrego bólu szyi)
Advice for Acute Back Pain Porady (dotyczące ostrego bólu pleców)
Advice for Acute Foot injury and Ankle Injuries (Ostre urazy stopy i kostki)
Advice for parent carer of a child with a head injury (Rada dla rodziców opiekunów dzieci z urazem głowy)
Care During and Following an Epileptic Seizure (Postępowanie podczas napadu padaczkowego i po jego ustaniu)
Chest Wall Injurys (Urazy klatki piersiowej)
Children with Burns (Poparzenia u dzieci Polish)
Childrens Pulled Elbow (Podwichnięcie głowy kości promieniowej u dzieci)
Do I Need an X-ray (Wskazania do prześwietlenia)
Emergency Contraception (Antykoncepcja awaryjna)
Eye Care (Leczenie oczu)
Head injury advice for adult patients (Zalecenia dla pacjentów z urazem głowy)
Head injury advice for relatives / friends of adult patients (Zalecenia dla rodziny i znajomych pacjentów z urazem głowy)
Physiotherapy Referral (Skierowanie na fizjoterapię)
Plaster cast Advice (Porady dotyczące gipsu)
Pneumothorax Including Aspiration (odma opłucnowa)
Use of crutches (Korzystanie z kul)
Wound care (Jak dbać o rany)
After mastectomy or axillary surgery
Breast augmentation
Breast care - your keyworker Breast care clinic
Breast care results clinic
Breast care support
Breast reduction
Latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction
Lipo-modelling in breast surgery
New model of patient follow-up after breast cancer treatment
Nipple reconstruction
Therapeutic mammoplasty
Tissue expansion breast reconstruction
Ultrasound Guided Core Biopsy
Advice following Eye lid surgery or blepharoplasty under GA
Benign Breast Surgery
Care of your split skin graft
Care of your stitched wound
Coming for surgery
Foot surgery
Hallux valgus
Hand surgery
Hernia repair
Hiatus hernia
Hiatus hernia in Polish
Knee Arthroscopy
Joint and soft tissue injection advice
Lower GI
Max Fax/Oral surgery Discharge Instruction
Pilonoidal sinus
Punch biopsy
Shoulder surgery
Temporal artery biopsies
Template biopsies
Theatre Admissions Lounge (TAL)
Transperineal prostate biopsy
Trigger finger release
Upper GI
Actinic Keratoses
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Bowen’s Disease
Care of your wound following a diagnostic punch biopsy of the skin
Care of your wound following skin curettage
Local anaesthetic information
Liquid nitrogen treatment
Malignant Melanoma
Melanoma in situ and Lentigo Maligna
Pre and post operative advice
Seborrhoeic keratoses
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Skin cancer multi-disciplinary team mdt
Skin flaps and grafts
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Pre and post operative advice
Blood Glucose Monitoring Diaries
Freestyle Libre
Multi dose insulin regime (Basal bolus)
Tablet-controlled diabetes
GLP-1 analogue injection
Managing Your Diabetes
Once daily insulin
Twice daily insulin
Gastroscopy with diabetes am
Gastroscopy with diabetes pm
Disposal of sharps
Please note: The dietary information below should only be followed on the advice of Yeovil Hospital specialists and should not be used without dietitian guidance.
Build yourself up
Dairy Free Diet
Dairy Free Diet Suitable Meals
Enhanced recovery soft low residue diet
High fibre diet advice booklet
High protein / calorie diet
Living on a gluten-free diet
Low potassium diet
Nutrition at home after critical illness
Optimal nutrition to help enhance recovery following orthopaedic surgery
Picc lines
Picc and midlines
Probiotics guide
Rehabilitation post COVID-19
Salicylate reduction in your diet
Snack boxes for patients attending dialysis
What can I eat if I am at risk of a bowel obstruction
For information on endoscopy, including bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, flexible sigmoidoscopy, gastroscopy and bowel cancer screening, please click here.
Clomiphene Citrate (clomid)
Cold coagulation
Colposcopy fast track clinic
Endometrial resection
Fast track outpatients ultrasound scan and hysteroscopy clinic
Female sterilisation
Gonadotrophin therapy
Group B Streptococcus
Gynaecology admissions
Hydatidiform Mole
Hysterectomy explained
Hysteroscopy - general anaesthetic
Hystero salpingo contrast sonography HyCoSy
Inconclusive scan
Laparoscopic hysterectomy and oophorectomy
Laparoscopy and dye hydro-tubation tests
Laparoscopy day case
Loop excision
Elektrokonizacja szyjki macicy - Loop Excision
Menorrhagia Clinic
Metformin for polycystic ovary syndrome
Minor procedure clinic
Outpatient hysteroscopy
Outpatient Hysteroscopy and Myosure Procedure
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS
Prolapse, vaginal hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair
Surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse
Surgical treatment of urinary stress incontinence with tension free vaginal tape
Termination of pregnancy - medical
Termination of pregnancy - surgical
Transvaginal scan Vulva biopsy under local anaesthetic
Your follow up after surgery for stage 1a uterine cancer
For more information on miscarriage and loss, please see below:
ERPC- for miscarriage
Medical evacuation for miscarriage
Medical management of miscarriage at home
Miscarriage - coming to terms with your loss
Miscarriage - what happens next
Dietary Advice for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Information for new couples
Intra-Uterine Insemination treatment - IUI
Menstrual cylce Unexplained infertility
Zika and ebola virus advice
Our maternity information can be found on our maternity home page or by clicking here
Advice following cataract surgery
Advice following Trabeculectomy surgery
Advice for patients following eye surgery
Atropine use
Bleb needling (aftercare advice for eyes)
Cataract surgery (aftercare advice for eyes)
Cyclodiode laser (aftercare advice for eyes)
Dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery
Day Case Eye Surgery
Double vision (Diplopia)
Eye injection (Lucentis Yeatman)
Eye lid surgery or blepharoplasty aftercare
Following an operation on your eye lid
Fluorescein angiography
Glasses, vouchers and prescriptions
Home exercises to improve convergence insufficiency
Squints and lazy eyes
Trabeculectomy surgery (aftercare advice for eyes)
Visual field testing
YAG laser capsulotomy
XEN implant surgery (aftercare advice for eyes)
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction
Anatomic total shoulder replacement
Arm cast advice
Coming in for orthopaedic surgery
Being discharged home after your hip replacement
Being discharged home after your knee replacement
Developmental dysplasia of the hip-treatment in a Pavlik harness
Dry mouth
Eye care
Fracture clinic
Humeral fracture
Leg cast advice
Mallet finger injuries
Medial Patello-Femoral
Knee Arthroscopy
Ligament Reconstruction
Neck of femur - So, you have broken your hip…
Orthopaedic surgery
Plantar Fasciitis
Steroid injection
Travel before and after orthopaedic surgery - prevention of DVT / PE
Wrist fracture or injury
You and your hip replacement pre op
You and your knee replacement pre op
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction
Advice for parent/carer of a child with a head injury
Advice for parents when your child has botulinum toxin (botox) injections
After your child’s anaesthetic
Appendectomy information for parents
BCG - Vaccination
Buckle wrist fracture
Care of your stitched wound - Advice for parents and child
Chickenpox infection
Community dental patient discharge information
Febrile convulsions
Fever in children
Following your child’s adenoidectomy
Gastroenteritis in children
Having a circumcision
Henoch Schönlein Purpura
Information for parents following your child’s grommets insertion
Lower GI Endoscopy under GA- Advice for parent and child
Knee Arthroscopy
Pilonidal sinus – Advice for parents and child
Pregnancy testing before surgery: Advice for parents and child
Pulled elbow
Sweat Test for Cystic Fibrosis
Surgery for Ingrowing Toenail - Post-operative advice for parents and child
Teddy tells you about your MRI scan
Upper GI Endoscopy under GA – Advice for parent and child
Vitamin D
Welcome to the Ward 10 Children’s Unit
Wheeze Discharge Plan
Anaesthetic choices for knee and hip
Coming for surgery
Coming in for orthopaedic surgery
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
Gynaecology Admissions
Medial Patello-Femoral Ligament Reconstruction
MRGNO information
Nerve blocks for surgery on the shoulder, arm or hand
Spinal anaesthesia
Stop smoking before the op
Travel before and after orthopaedic surgery DVT PE prevention
Pre and post operative advice for patients with diabetes
Multi dose insulin regime (Basal bolus)
Tablet-controlled diabetes
GLP-1 analogue injection Once daily insulin
Twice daily insulin
Baby bonding scan (4D)
Bone density scan
Chest x-ray
CT scan of the small bowel (Enterography)
First trimester screening
Having a transrectal ultrasound scan and biopsy of the prostate
Hystero Salpingo Contrast Sonography HyCoSy
MRI scan
MRI Small Bowel
Request for electronic access to radiological images
Shoulder Distension
Stereotactic Guided Core Biopsy
Ultrasound guided core biopsy
Undergoing a CT scan or ultrasound biopsy
Your 20 week ultrasound scan
Anaesthetic choices for knee and hip
Coming for surgery
Coming in for orthopaedic surgery
Eye injection
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
Eliminating mixed sex accommodation
Eliminating mixed sex accommodation: Day theatre and endoscopy
Gynaecology Admissions
MRGNO information
Nerve blocks for surgery on the shoulder, arm or hand
Pregnancy testing before surgery: Advice for parents and children
Pregnancy testing before surgery (adults)
Spinal anaesthesia
Stop smoking before the op
Travel before and after orthopaedic surgery DVT PE prevention
Acute back pain
Accelerated Rehabilitation for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction
Ankle injury
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction
Arthroscopy of the Hip
Arthroscopy of the Knee
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Dupuytrens Disease
Equipped for life
Exercise suggestions for different stages of Parkinson’s
Hand therapy open appointment form
Knee injury
Medial Patello-Femoral Ligament Reconstruction
Micro-fracture of the Knee
Neck care advice
Physiotherapy exercise programme
Shoulder injury
Spring Exercise Information
Tendo Achilles rupture
Trapeziectomy procedures
UVB treatment
Bladder cancer - newly diagnosed
Clinical Nurse Specialists
Dietary advice for kidney stone formers
Discharge with a urinary catheter from ED or AEC
Erectile dysfunction clinic
Flexible Cystoscopy
Flow rate and frequency volume chart
Frequency Volume Chart
Haematuria Clinic
Having a transrectal ultrasound scan and biopsy of the prostate
Mid-stream specimen of urine
Painful Bladder Syndrome / Interstitial Cystitis
Prostate surgery TURP
PSA Test for Prostate Cancer
Radical Orchidectomy
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Template biopsy of your prostate
Transperincal prostate biopsy
Trial without catheter (TWOC)
Trial without catheter (TWOC) following prostatectomy
Urodynamics investigation