You have fractured a bone on the outer part of your foot. The fracture has occurred in a part of the bone which normally heals well without problem.
The pain, tenderness and swelling you are experiencing in the foot should gradually settle over a period of several weeks. During this time you may find walking on the foot uncomfortable – it may help to walk on the heel to start with.
You will be provided with a removable boot to support the foot and make it more comfortable. If required, you will also be provided with crutches. As soon as comfort allows, you can return to your own footwear – a roomy, stiff soled shoe is usually more supportive. You may walk on your foot as much as pain allows, and if you continue to wear your boot, gradually discard it over three to five weeks as the pain settles.
Occasionally the fracture may fail to heal and continue to be painful even after several months. However, it must be stressed that this is rare. A surgical procedure may be needed at this stage to help heal the fracture.
Your foot (5th metatarsal) fracture.
If you are still experiencing symptoms after three months and you do not feel you are improving, please contact the Fracture Clinic on:
Telephone: 07584 580 655
Email: [email protected]