Thursday 19 September – 5.30pm to 8pm – The Academy, Level 4, Yeovil Hospital
Whether you are a patient, staff member or living in the local community, Yeovil Hospital invites you to come along to the Annual General Meeting and find out more about your hospital.
This event is an opportunity to hear about the exciting developments at the hospital, as well as the changes taking place and the ongoing work to improve patient care and experience. It will also be a forum to provide feedback to help us improve our services.
Held in Yeovil
Hospital’s Academy on level 4 of the main building, doors will open at 5.30pm for
a drop-in session, with members of staff on hand to tell you more about their
services and happy to answer your questions, covering a variety of areas
- estates projects
- stroke services
- nurse recruitment
- digital transformation
- YDH Charity
- Kingston Wing
- Simply Serve Ltd.
- Symphony Healthcare Services Ltd.
- health checks
- volunteering
- membership and governors
- League of Friends
- health and wellbeing
From 6.25pm in the Academy’s Marsh Jackson room there will be presentations about our Home First Service and what this has meant for patients across Somerset as well as the hospital’s overseas recruitment initiative – recognised as one of the most successful NHS nurse recruitment campaigns and now recruiting for 12 other hospital Trusts in the UK.
Following this,
there will be the formal AGM where Chief Executive Jonathan Higman will give
you an overview of the previous year, including our finances, the challenges
and successes, and plans for the year ahead.
Deputy Chief Nurse Jo Howarth said: “There is so much happening at Yeovil Hospital and the AGM is brilliant opportunity for the public to come along, meet us and find out what we are planning for the future. We would love to see as many people as possible showing an interest in the great work that goes on here each day.”
Join us for refreshments any time between 5.30pm and 8pm and find out more about your local hospital, as well as your chance to win our fantastic hamper packed with delicious treats.
Categorised in: Trust news and events
This post was written by Communications Team
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