Whatever the challenges we face, in true YDH-style the team pulls together and this year has featured some fantastic highlights for us here at Yeovil Hospital. Here are just a few that we wanted to share with you:
Trainee Nursing Associate Hannah Legg created a swimming group for stoma patients allowing them to carrying on with life just as before. Read more here.

Our maternity services were ranked 5th in a national survey which showed that 100% of women felt that they were treated with respect and dignity.
Craft Therapy in Cancer worked to support patients socially and mentally following a course of cancer treatment with the use of creativity and has been, and continues to be, a huge hit with our patients.

Our clinicians started running virtual clinics to enable patient care. More than 3,000 outpatient telephone consultations took place in the first five weeks of lock-down. Read more here.
May saw us celebrating the amazing work that both our nurses and midwives do, especially in the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, celebrating Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday.
We joined in with our colleagues across the West Country to celebrate NHS Pride in an NHS Virtual Pride video See the video here.
July was the 72nd Anniversary of the NHS and in honour of all those doing exceptional work in such a challenging time, we planted two ‘legacy’ trees, donated by Palmers Garden Centre. Watch the video here.
Our maternity unit celebrated World Breast Feeding Week, celebrating success in supporting women in feeding their babies.

September saw the new CT scanner land at the hospital and the opening of our new Wellbeing Hub.
We celebrated Black History Month by launching a series of blogs and interviews with staff entitled “Understanding Each Other”.

Our breast cancer team created a new Facebook group to offer virtual support for our patients and our lockdown heroes found extraordinary ways to raise funds for our Breast Cancer Unit Appeal.

We can’t not mention the vaccine - this was the month we began to roll out vaccines against COVID-19 and the new Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit opened in time for Christmas.
One of the best highlights from 2020 is the amount of community support our Trust has received. Thank you from us all here @YeovilHospital
We hope you all take a moment to remember the good things of the year; from the friendships that were made/strengthened to surviving homeschooling (or maybe you loved that experience), maybe you got a new pet, found new walks or met your neighbours while out clapping on the doorstep. Please share your highlight with us in the comments below.
Categorised in: Trust news and events
This post was written by Communications Team
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