When will I have another scan?
You have discussed and already agreed with your midwife to attend another screening test, the 20 week anomaly scan. This scan can actually take place anywhere between 18 weeks and 20 weeks 6 days of pregnancy and we will send an appointment in the post to you.
If you have not received this appointment by the time you are 18 weeks then please phone our appointments office on 01935 384576.
What is this scan for?
The scan looks for 11 different conditions in the baby but it cannot find everything that might be wrong. The scan looks in detail at the baby’s:
• bones
• spinal cord
• heart
• abdomen
• brain
• kidneys
• face
Sometimes it is difficult to get accurate views of the baby. This does not mean there is anything to worry about but you will be offered one further scan by 23 weeks of pregnancy. Very occasionally this second scan cannot be completed, for example because the baby is lying in an awkward position or you are above average weight.
Who can I bring to the scan?
The 20-week scan can sometimes find the baby has a health condition. You may like someone to come with you to the scan appointment. Please only bring one additional person with you.
To enable the sonographer to concentrate during the scan we do not permit children to attend. Please ensure you have childcare arrangements in place. If baby is in a difficult position you may be in the department for more than your 30 minute appointment time to allow time for baby to move.
What happens if the scan finds something wrong?
If any abnormality is detected at the screening scan, the Sonographer will arrange for you to be seen by a Specialist Midwife to discuss what happens next, you may need to attend a Specialist Centre for another scan. This discussion usually takes place immediately after the scan.
Boy or girl?
If you wish the sonographer to check the gender of your baby, or not, please make sure they are aware at the beginning of the scan.
Please note, gender does not form part of this test and if the baby is in a position where gender cannot be identified, we will not offer a subsequent scan.
Yeovil District Hospital does not permit photographs or the filming of any scans to be taken on any mobile devices
Ref: 14/22/01
Review: 02/24