First held in 2013, the iCARE Awards have quickly become one of the most highly anticipated nights in the Yeovil Hospital calendar.

The awards take place to recognise and reward staff for truly exceptional work. Last year, the decision was made to cancel the awards due to the pandemic, as we focussed all energy on providing outstanding and safe care to our patients throughout what had been an unusual and extremely challenging time.

This year, the team continues to work exceptionally hard as we learn to live with the virus but there are so many staff who deserve recognition during these unprecedented times that the awards must go on, even if that meant a virtual event. The awards ceremony took place over a special online events platform, conjuring its own excitement and enabling more staff than ever before to be involved alongside their families. Once launched, the nominations came thick and fast, shining a spotlight on our staff and how even the smallest acts made a huge difference to the life of patients and colleagues.  

The awards were held on the evening of Thursday 14 October and staff and their families where transported to the ceremony from the comfort of their homes, with nominees enjoying a special treat hamper while they watched. Throughout the night, we heard stories of compassion, hard work and unwavering kindness.

Deputy Chief Executive, Director of People, Chief Nurse and host of the evening Shelagh Meldrum said: “What a truly fantastic night. The nominations we heard truly demonstrated the hearts of all Yeovil Hospital staff. I feel so lucky that I got to be part of such an exceptional event.”

The nominations this yearwere exceptional and made it very tough for our judges to pick the winners. However, this hard task was completed and the winners for this year were:

The Leadership Award:

  • Highly Commended - General Manager Sophie Sennett and Consultant Bozena Lassota-Korba
  • Winner - Head of UK and International Recruitment Trish Spruce

The COVID Safe Award

  • Highly Commended - Associate Director of Nursing and Quality at Symphony Healthcare Services, Barbara Williams-Yesson
  • Winner - ICU and Anaesthetics Teams

The Lifetime Achievement Award:

  • Highly Commended - Director of Strategic Development at Symphony Healthcare Services Harvey Sampson, Sister Helen Lowiss and Specialist Paediatric Dietitian David Hopkins
  • Winner – Senior Health Care Assistant Tina Hallett

The Rising Star Award

  • Highly Commended - Stroke Data Coordinator Victoria Moss
  • Winner - Practice Educator Sophie Witcher

The Patients’ Choice Award

  • Highly Commended - Clinical Nurse Specialist for Fertility Helen Butt, Nursery Nurse Ruth Taylor, Emergency Care Practitioner Anne Read and Nurse Kayleigh Weech
  • Winner - The Maternity Team

The iCARE Excellence Award

  • Highly Commended - HR Help Desk
  • Winner - Ward 9A

Both our winners and highly commended alike have been overwhelmed by the announcements.

Winner of The Lifetime Achievement Award Tina Hallett said: “I felt so overwhelmed. It was an absolute honour just to be nominated; I really didn’t expect to win.”

Highly Commended for The Rising Star Award Victoria Moss said: “I was absolutely astounded! I didn’t think for even a minute I would get the highly commended for Rising Star and it made it all worth it. I started at the hospital when we went into the first lockdown, and spent a lot of time away from my team - but this past year has been challenging and exciting in so many ways and I was amazed to have been recognised.”

Every nomination and award is a testament to the truly exceptional work that goes on throughout the Trust.

Chief Executive Peter Lewis said: “It was great to be part of my first iCARE Awards, it gave me a great insight into the hard work and attentiveness that staff show daily throughout Yeovil Hospital. Congratulations to everyone who won and were nominated.”

We have said it time and time again, but we really couldn’t be prouder of our Yeovil Hospital family.


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