Attend Anywhere is a secure web-based video platform that allows you to have a video consultation from your home or own private space.
It makes life easier for you by helping you reduce the need to travel to hospital for appointments.
This service is for patients with pre-arranged appointment times only.

You can use Attend Anywhere on a PC, Mac or an iOS/Android device, using a Google Chrome (for PC/Mac/all mobile devices)/Apple Safari (for Macs and iOS devices) browser.

Attend Anywhere will not work on Internet Explorer. Download Google Chrome or Apple Safari for free.

Five minutes before your appointment time, click on the relevant service below. You will be taken through a series of steps to ensure that your equipment is set up correctly. Once the steps have been completed, you will be prompted to enter your name, date of birth and telephone number and to accept the terms and conditions. This information is not stored beyond the length of the video call.

Once these steps have been followed, click on the ‘Start Call’ button and you will enter the waiting room until your consultation begins. You will see yourself on the video and hear music. The waiting room is private and you will not see other patients.

The video call is free (except your internet usage charge) and data is not used whilst you are in the waiting room.

Services available

Rheumatology Waiting Area

Oncology Outpatients (Macmillan) Waiting Area

Diabetes & Endocrinology in Pregnancy Waiting Area

MSK Physiotherapy Waiting Area

Orthotics Waiting Area

Community Midwives Waiting Area

Consultant Antenatal Clinic Waiting Area

Ophthalmology Waiting Area

YDH Audiology Waiting Area

Nutrition and Dietetics for Adults Waiting Area

Nutrition and Dietetics for Children Waiting Area

Ambulatory Emergency Care Waiting Area

Haematology Outpatients Waiting Area

Cancer Support Workers Waiting Area

Urology Waiting Area

Pre-Assessment (Elective Surgery) Waiting Area

Parkinson’s Clinic Waiting Area

Frailty Assessment Waiting Area

Diabetes & Endocrinology Waiting Area

Orthopaedic Waiting Area

Hip Education Group Waiting Area

Elderly Care Waiting Area

Respiratory Waiting Area

Stroke/TIA Waiting Area

Acute Pain Waiting Area

Colorectal/Stoma Care Waiting Area

YDH Paediatrics Waiting Area

Kingston Wing Waiting Area

Sleep Waiting Area

Clinical Research Clinic Waiting Area