Fruits of the Imagination is the new exhibition on display in Yeovil Hospital’s outpatient department, with works machine and hand embroidery by local textile artist and teacher Rebecca Bruton.

Visitors and patients won’t help but notice the colourful embroidered fruit and vegetables decorating the corridors. Exotic passion fruit, delicious pineapple and vibrant red onions are amongst the carefully stitched fruits and vegetables.

Rebecca has spent hours carefully producing these framed images using applique – a process of applying fabrics to one another using her collection of vintage and retro printed textiles. She then adds in detail through free motion embroidery, a technique that allows her the freedom to “paint” with her sewing machine.

Inspired by her grandmother’s magical treasure trove of fabrics and haberdashery, Rebecca obtained her degree in fine art, preferring to create image and colour using a sewing machine as opposed to a paintbrush.

Arts Co-ordinator Caroline Barnes said: “These beautiful textiles really look amazing along the outpatient corridor and brighten everything up. Rebecca has a wonderful style and we are delighted to be exhibiting her work.”

All the pictures in the exhibition are for sale, either as originals or prints, with a percentage of the sales being donated to Yeovil Hospital Charity.

Rebecca works to commission, having produced designs and soft furnishings for BBC One’s DIY SOS – The Big Build and international toy company Best Years. She also works on private commissions from bespoke portraits.

Rebecca shares her passion for all things textiles through teaching evening class courses, running workshops and private lessons. To see more of Rebecca’s work you can follow her on Instagram @rebeccabrutontextiles.

If you are an artist or work with a group and are interested in exhibiting at the hospital, please contact the Hospital Art coordinator be emailing

Fruits of the Imagination will run until mid May 2018.

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