Why do you need this test?
Your Consultant has decided that more information about the cause of your bladder problems is needed. Urodynamics testing is often used to try and find out what is causing bladder problems. The benefit of this testing is to ensure that you receive the most appropriate treatment.
Before your appointment
You need to complete a bladder diary, on the back of this leaflet, and bring it with you to your appointment. You will need to measure how much and what type of fluid you drink, how much urine you pass for a total of three consecutive days, prior to your appointment. Please measure in millimetres. If you are taking medication for an overactive bladder, stop these two weeks before your investigation.
What happens at your appointment?
It would be helpful if you could arrive for your appointment with a comfortably full bladder – do not drink from 45 minutes before your appointment. The test takes about one hour. You will be asked about your bladder symptoms.
The procedure will be explained to you and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. You will then be asked to sign a consent form for the testing to be carried out.
You will first be asked to pass urine in a commode to measure your urine flow.
A soft, fine tube will be placed into your bladder through the small opening you pass urine through. This will be used to fill your bladder and check the pressure in your bladder.
Another soft, fine tube will be placed into your vagina. This is to check what is happening outside your bladder, ie, the pressure in your abdomen.
These tubes are attached to a small machine which records all the results. We will then fill your bladder up slowly with sterile fluid. During the filling stage you will be asked to cough regulary, this helps us to check the tubes are in the correct position.
Are there any risks to having this procedure?
This is normally a safe procedure, but although all the equipment used is sterile, there could still be a small risk of infection or bleeding.
Discomfort passing urine: After the tests some people feel slight stinging or burning when they pass urine. If you drink plenty of fluids for 24 hours after the test, these symptoms should quickly settle. If discomfort lasts beyond this time, please contact your GP.
Blood in the urine: After the tests some people find a small amount of blood in the urine when they go to the toilet. If this lasts beyond 24 hours, you should see your GP because it may be a sign of infection.
We will usually arrange for you to be seen in outpatients to discuss the results.
Contact numbers:
Please contact us if you have any questions about this test, or wish to speak to the clinical nurse specilist - 07825 255621
For advice, or if you need to change your appointment, please telephone the Consultants’ Sectretaries:
Mrs Shah - Helen Soper/Julie Pritchard 01935 384292
These test are time consuming and costly. Therefore, if you are unable to attend your appointment for any reason, please inform us promptly on 01935 384411.
Ref: 14-15-119
Review: 11/22