What is Telecare?
Telecare is a form of technology which uses sensors to monitor your safety at home while maintaining your independence and privacy. Telecare can assist you in various ways such as prompting you to take your medication, sending an alert to call centre staff if you fall or raising the alarm if the gas is left on.
What are assistive devices?
Assistive devices are a form of technology which can enable you to improve or maintain your independence, safety and wellbeing. Many of these items are electronic but not all.
These items can be particularly useful if you have a memory impairment.
Examples of Telecare and assistive devices
The following are examples of items which may benefit you if you live alone. They are linked to call centre staff 24/7:
- Exit sensor: These alert a call centre if you leave your property
- Gas sensor: This automatically raises the alarm if gas is identified
- Falls sensor: This raises the alarm without you needing to press a button for help
The following items may be beneficial if you live with someone:
- Bed/chair sensors: Sounds an alarm within the home when an individual gets out of bed/up from the chair
- Floor pressure mat: An alarm sounds within the home when an individual steps onto this mat
Considering consent
Some people may see Telecare and assistive devices as an intrusion of their privacy and daily routine. However, others feel the increased safety and independence these items provide out weighs this intrusion. Any decision to trial Telecare or assistive devises should include yourself.
If the Telecare / assistive devices are for someone who is unable to make an informed decision themselves the introduction of these items must be felt to be in their best interests.
How to access Telecare and assistive devices
Everyone is entitled to an assessment for Telecare / assistive devices. If you are in the community this should be requested via Social Services. Part of their assessment will be a financial assessment which will determine the level of contribution you would be required to make (installation fees are often covered by Social Services. If you are on certain Benefits the installation fee may also be waived).
If you are currently in hospital you will be eligible to trial Telecare via Careline or Aster Living for 6 weeks free of charge. At the end of the trial you will be required to pay a weekly charge of approximately £3.84 a week for the basic pendant alarm plus the cost of any add on items.
Further information
Telecare Service Association
Tel: 01625 520 320
Disabled Living Foundation
Tel: 0300 999 0004
Aster living
Tel: 0333 300 6028
Tel: 01935 479 815
Alzheimers Society
Tel: 0300 222 11 22