Take your normal medications the day before your surgery.

Follow the usual instructions in the information you will have been given, click here.

7.30am or 8am admission - for surgery on the same morning

  • Do not eat on the day of your operation (no food after midnight).
  • You may have a drink of water at 6am and then nothing to drink after this time.
  • Do not take any of your diabetes tablets on the morning of your surgery.

Late morning or 1pm admission - for surgery that afternoon

  • Do not take your morning and lunchtime diabetes tablets
  • You may have a light meal such as tea / coffee and toast before 7am.
  • Have a drink of water before 11am on the morning of your procedure.
  • Do not drink anything thereafter.
  • If you monitor your blood glucose, please test your blood sugar prior to admission.

Please be aware: If your blood sugar is above 15 mmols on admission, your surgery may need to be postponed or cancelled.

Following surgery you may resume your diabetes medication when the next dose is due.

What should I do if I am unwell following surgery?

When you get home, if you feel nauseated or vomit and are unable to eat as normal, replace food with one of the following:

400 mls of milk or
200 ml carton fruit juice or
150-200 mls non-diet fizzy drink or
1 scoop of ice cream

  • Drink at least 100 mls water / sugar-free fluid every hour, you must drink at least 2.5 litres (5 pints) per day
  • Rest and avoid strenuous exercise
  • If you carry out your own blood tests, these should be done every two hours day and night whilst feeling unwell

If you do not improve quickly and usually attend the hospital for diabetes care then telephone Diabetes Team on 01935 384 517 (Monday to Friday mornings).

Outside these hours, contact your GP practice or out of hours service. If you usually see your GP about your diabetes then phone your GP practice.

Treatment for Hypoglycaemia

(if blood sugar less than 6 mmol/litre)

  • If you have any symptoms of low blood sugar such as sweating, dizziness, blurred vision or shaking please test your blood sugar
  • If it is less than 6 mmol/l take 150 mls of a non-fizzy sugary drink or four glucose tablets
  • After ten minutes repeat the blood test. If the result is still 6 mmol/l or below please repeat the above advice.
  • On arrival at the hospital please tell the staff that you have done this as it may be necessary to delay your surgery.

These instructions are only a guide. If you feel that you need additional advice, please contact:

Diabetes Specialist Nurses
(Monday - Friday mornings)
01935 384 517

Ref: 19/18/104B
Review: 08/20