This page is to give you information about what to expect after the procedure, if you need to speak to a nurse, you can contact Jasmine Ward on 01935 384 301.

This operation is a short procedure and is normally performed as a day case using general anaesthetic. For the first few days you may feel tired and unable to concentrate for long. It is very important that you rest at home for the first two to three days after your operation and not drink any alcohol.

As with all operations, there are risks, but these are minimal. The possible complications associated with this procedure are increased risk of infection due to instrument insertion during the operation and more seriously, perforation of the womb. If this should happen, you may need a further operation to stitch the site of perforation. It should be stressed that these complications are rare and very unlikely to occur.

Initially, you will notice some vaginal bleeding for five to seven days - this bleeding should not be heavier than your normal period and should gradually become less.

It is important NOT to use internal tampons for this initial bleeding - they can be a source of infection so soon after a termination. Use sanitary towels only. You may go back to using tampons after your next period if you wish.

You may have some low abdominal pain - like a mild period pain for 24-48 hours afterwards. You may take mild pain relief medication (such as paracetamol) if necessary.

You must not have sexual intercourse for about two weeks after the termination of a pregnancy. Contraception must be seriously considered. If you intend to take the oral contraceptive pill, it is advisable to start it straight away. Further contraception can be arranged through your own doctor or the Family Planning Clinic and will be discussed with you prior to discharge.

Your next period will be in about one month’s time and it may be heavier than normal. It may take several months for your periods to return to normal.

You may need up to one week off - depending on your occupation and how you feel. It is advisable to have a minimum of 48 hours off work.

You may feel upset and rather emotional after your operation. This is quite normal and it is important to express your feelings. It is useful if you have a good friend or partner to talk to.

Please contact your GP for referral to a counselling service if you feel you need further support.

The Trust has a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). The PALS Officer is available to help sort out any problems or concerns you or your family may have when using health services. This service is free and confidential. The PALS Officer can be contacted on 01935 384706.

You have been advised of the following:

  • You need to be accompanied home by an responsible adult after your operation
  • A responsible adult must stay with you for 24 hours after the operation
  • You live within a 1 hour drive of the hospital in case of emergency
  • You should not cook or operate kitchen appliances for 24 hours after your operation
  • You should not drive a car, ride a bicycle or operate heavy machinery for 48 hours after your operation
  • You should not make important legal or business decisions for 48 hours after your operation

In three weeks time, after your procedure, please do a urine pregnancy test at home to confirm that you are no longer pregnant. If the pregnancy test is positive you must see your GP immediately or attend the Yeovil Hospital Emergency Department.

IMPORTANT - See your own doctor if

  • Your bleeding becomes heavier than a normal period or if you are losing clots of blood
  • Your bleeding has not settled about a week after your operation
  • Your vaginal loss becomes smelly or you feel itchy
  • You develop severe abdominal pains
  • It is advisable to see your own doctor for a check-up a couple of weeks after your operation


If you have any further questions or concerns, please speak to a member of staff or contact Jasmine Ward on:
Telephone: 01935 384385

Ref: 15-15-117
Review: 04/17