Registered Charity 220038
Who are we?
The Friends of Yeovil Hospital began in 1951 as an independent voluntary organisation and registered charity. Over this 62 year period we have raised the equivalent of £9 million for the benefit of our patients, their families and the staff who care for them.
How do we do it?
Bequests and donations from grateful patients and their families feature largely supported by a wide range of fund-raising events which are fun to do and all help to raise awareness of our place in the hospital. Regular income comes from The Friends Shop and its Trolley Service.
What do we do with our funds?
We get requests from the medical and nursing staff for medical equipment and amenities for patients not readily available on the NHS. They can range from a scope guide machine (£48,590) to a child’s mobile respiration monitor (£677). In the period October 2012 to September this year we were able to disburse £232,379 on such needs.
The Hospital Shop
The Hospital Shop is located on Level 3, opposite the Main Entrance. It is an essential part of The Friends and is open every day. The stock is extensive and sales raise around £40,000 for us every year. It is staffed by volunteers who also provide a daily Trolley Shop service and a daily Newspaper round to the wards.
The Friends are often involved in wider aspects of the Hospital, including hospitality roles at hospital functions, and patient visiting, and they provide Christmas presents for all inpatients on Christmas Day.
How can you help?
Join us! We are always delighted to hear from people who would like to volunteer and become a Friend either to work in The Shop, the Trolley Service or help us with fundraising. We also welcome new committee members.