SCBU is located at the far end of Freya Ward (post-natal ward) and has facilities to care for up to eight babies. We routinely admit premature babies or some term babies that require extra special care. If a baby is born below 32 weeks gestation it will initially be cared for in SCBU but then transferred into another Neonatal Intensive care unit. Parents are welcomed 24 hours a day in the unit.

Our direct telephone number is 01935 384539.

There are various reasons why a baby may need to be admitted to the Special Care Baby Unit. These may include the following:

  • Being small or premature
  • Requiring close observation
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Infection
  • Feeding problems
  • The baby may require emergency attention prior to being transferred to a neonatal intensive care unit in another hospital.

Information for during your baby’s/babies’ stay click here