The Sleep Service is located on level 2 of Yeovil Hospital.

The sleep service forms part of our YDH respiratory team and can be contacted on:

Telephone: 01935 475122 - please ask for the sleep service.

For more information about Sleep Apnoea and the services we offer, go to the relevant sections below:

Driving and OSA

Day time sleepiness can affect your ability to drive and in some cases you may need to contact the DVLA - see here and for more information click here. We will endeavour to treat you as soon as possible if your livelihood depends on your ability to drive. Please contact us if you have an questions or concerns about this.

Children and OSA

Our clinic only deals with adults that suffer from OSA. If you suspect your child may be suffering with Sleep Apnoea, please see your doctor who will refer you to a Paediatric team.