Health care teams looking after patients who are seriously ill or who have many health problems will often discuss resuscitation issues.

It is important that patients are involved in decisions about the care and treatment they want, and decisions around resuscitation should be included where this is appropriate.

Once you have had a discussion with a member of the health care team, the decision will be documented in your medical notes. Your family and friends cannot decide for you but it can be helpful to include them in the decision process.

If at any time you wish to discuss the matter further, or you change your mind, please speak to any of the health care team looking after you.

Whatever your decision on resuscitation, the health care team will continue to give you the highest standard of treatment and care possible. More information on this subject is available in a separate leaflet – if you have any queries, please speak in confidence to the team caring for you.

This hospital supports organ and tissue donation. If you wish to register please speak to one of the ward staff.