Yeovil District Hospital’s Radiology Team provides diagnostic imaging central to patient care.

The department has 38 radiographers and nine consultant radiologists and also provides services at South Petherton, Crewkerne and Wincanton hospitals where outpatients can request an appointment at these locations.

The hospital invested in a brand new CT scanner in 2012 which can produce 2D and 3D images of the body – it is capable of advanced imaging applications such as vascular and cardiac imaging. Radiologists can perform image guided biopsies on the scanner which can avoid the need for more invasive procedures such as exploratory surgery.

The MRI scanner uses magnets and radio waves to create images of the body and is used extensively for neurological patients but is not suitable for patients with pacemakers or other metal in their bodies. MRIs can create detailed images of soft tissue and are used for the detection of many diseases.

Nuclear medicine is not as scary as it sounds – this is a speciality that uses safe and painless techniques to image the body and treat disease. The hospital also has a fluoroscopy suite which looks at internal organs using contrast media such as barium. This reveals what is going on in the alimentary canal. It is often used to aid in the diagnosis of swallowing, stomach and other bowel complaints.

Ultrasound is a key part of the team’s work with services in the main department, where it is used to detect problems in the abdomen, pelvis and some soft-tissue areas, and in the Women’s Hospital where it can work out the age of the foetus and ensure the healthy development of the foetus in the womb. The latest technology includes Baby Bonding scans, available at a charge, which give a 4D image of the baby. Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of the anatomy.

Breast imaging (mammography) is also undertaken in Radiology. YDH offers a one-stop service for patients referred with certain breast condition and the hospital has recently brought a new state-of-the art mammography/breast machine and continues to expand this service

The general department is responsible for the majority of films taken right across the hospital. These include chest x-rays and trauma x-rays.

Radiology staff undertake 110,000 examinations per year and operate under the guidelines of the Royal College of Radiologists.

Radiology can be contacted via the main hospital switchboard on 01935 475122

We are pleased to offer a private radiology service for both outpatients and inpatients.

For appointments/enquiries, please contact: The Radiology Department on 01935 384576.