Outpatient Clinics

Yeovil Hospital runs a general Endocrine clinic which is weekly. A whole range of endocrine conditions including: pituitary disease, thyroid disease, adrenal disease, conditions relating to male and female reproductive endocrinology, some diseases of bone and mineral metabolism, diffuse hormonal system disorders, lipid disorders and endocrine tumour syndromes are treated.

A joint pituitary clinic is also held quarterly with visiting pituitary neurosurgeon Mr R Nelson from Bristol.

A Thyroid clinic operates monthly at South Petherton Community Hospital.

A joint obstetric clinic runs weekly at Yeovil.

Endocrine transition patients are seen by Dr Bickerton jointly with the visiting paediatric endocrinologist from Bristol.

In addition some patients with endocrine disorders are seen in clinics at Wincanton Community Hospital and the Yeatman Hospital.

Other Work

Inpatient referrals – as needed

Dynamic endocrine testing – supervised by Dr K Baker in the day hospital

Yeovil Hospital works closely with tertiary referral centres in London and Bristol, meaning that patients do not need to travel but have access to the very best quality endocrine care.

The endocrinology department works with Mr B Ansari who performs thyroid surgery at YDH.

Consultants with this speciality