Day Case surgery services for patients from Yeovil and the surrounding areas are provided by Daycase UK (DCUK), a partnership between Yeovil Hospital and Ambulatory Surgery International (ASI).
DCUK is 70 per cent owned by Yeovil Hospital and was set up to improve the accessibility and quality of day surgery services for our patients, informed by the expertise of ASI. ASI was set up by the founders of one of the world’s most respected and experienced providers of day surgery services AmSurg.
Services are run on two sites; the Daycase UK Day Surgery Unit at Yeovil Hospital and the Castleton Day Unit at the Yeatman Hospital in Sherborne.
Opening hours
The Daycase UK Day Surgery Unit is open Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm. Tel 01935 384 339
The Castleton Day Unit is open Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm. Tel 01305 361 528
How to find us
Yeovil Hospital – the DCUK Day Surgery Unit is situated on Level 3 – the same level as the main entrance – and is located beyond main reception and orthopaedic outpatients on the left hand side. Access to reception is though the double doors. See Finding us for details on finding our hospital.
Castleton Day Unit, Yeatman Hospital, Sherborne – the day surgery unit is located on the first floor of the hospital. Access is via the stairs or lift.
What we do
Our busy day case units carry out operations under local, regional or general anaesthetics. Some of the Surgeons are based at Yeovil (YDH) but others visit us for their lists from Dorchester, Taunton, Exeter and Bath. Our programme involves many different specialities/surgeons and includes
- Cardiology procedures – YDH
- Dermatology –YDH and Yeatman
- Ear Nose and Throat – YDH
- Endoscopy - YDH
- General surgery including some laparoscopic (keyhole) – YDH
- Oral Maxillo-facial and dental -YDH
- Ophthalmology – Yeatman and YDH
- Orthopaedics -YDH
- Plastics -YDH and Yeatman
- Urology – YDH
What you can expect
We understand that for some patients coming into hospital for surgery can be a worrying time. As a department we are committed to the iCARE ethos and we aim to deliver high standards of quality care to all our patients. You should expect to be supported throughout your journey by experienced day surgery staff dedicated to delivering compassionate, patient focused care in a safe and caring environment.
Visitors/carers and escorts
We believe all patients have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. To support this, and every patient’s right to privacy and confidentiality, the Endoscopy and Day Surgery Unit is following Department of Health guidance and has introduced a ‘drop and go’ system for patients’ relatives, carers or friends.
Information about this should be sent to you with the letter asking you to come in for your operation. This new system means that only the patient enters past the Reception area. All relatives/friends are welcome to wait in the main reception area or one of the hospital’s cafés or canteen.
In some circumstances exemptions may be made in the patient’s best interest or if they require special support. If you or your carer feel that this needs to be taken into consideration please ask to speak to the member of staff admitting you to the unit. Children under 18 who are having treatment can be accompanied by parents or guardians.
Waiting times
The time you are asked to come in is not an appointment. Although most of the surgery we carry out will mean you can go home the same day, please remember that you need time for your admissions process, operation and recovery. Depending on your type and length of surgery you may need to be prepared to spend all day with us. We recommend that you bring in something to keep you occupied during your visit. We also have free WiFi available – Ward staff who receive a request, can set up an account for patients by following the guide available on the Intranet.
A hearing loop system is available and, should you rely on guide dogs and hearing dogs, you are permitted to bring them onto the Day Surgery Unit wards. However, we ask that once you go into theatre dogs are taken out of the department until you return to the ward. This is to ensure the safety and comfort of other patients, as well as the animals themselves.
We have access to the NHS telephone interpreting service to support any patient who may have limited English language skills.
Feedback, compliments and complaints
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for Daycase UK is provided by Yeovil Hospital. It provides patients, relatives, carers and service users with confidential and impartial help if they have a problem or need more information while using the Daycase UK services.
The overall aim is to improve the patient experience by offering advice and support, listening and responding to concerns, suggestions or queries and helping to sort out problems quickly on your behalf.
They can also advise on the appropriate method for sharing compliments or formal complaints.
Please contact the PALS team on 01935 384706, by email pals@ydh.nhs.uk or you can also write to the PALS team, Level 3, Yeovil District Hospital, Higher Kingston, Somerset BA21 4AT.
For more information click here
See the Finding us pages for more information about where to park when coming in to Yeovil’s DCUK Day Surgery Unit.
Banding therapy oesophageal varices
Barium enema
Benign breast surgery
Bleb needling (aftercare advice for eyes)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cataract surgery (aftercare advice for eyes)
Coming in for surgery
Compressed Oxygen BOC
Cyclodiode laser (aftercare advice for eyes)
Dental surgery - aftercare
Dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery (aftercare advice for eyes)
Endoscopy at Yeovil Hospital and map to print
Endoscopy patient self-assessment
Eye lid surgery or blepharoplasty aftercare
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Having a Gastroscopy
Joint and soft tissue injections
Trabeculectomy surgery (aftercare advice for eyes)
Wound care
XEN implant surgery (aftercare advice for eyes)