The Audiology Department assess hearing and fit hearing aids for patients with a hearing loss. It is based at Yeovil District Hospital with other clinics at Crewkerne, Wincanton and South Petherton community hospitals.
Direct referral
There is a direct referral scheme for patients requiring assessment for hearing aids for the first time. GPs can refer any patient for hearing assessment as long as there are no other ear problems.
The Audiologist assesses the patient and will discuss the results and agree the best treatment option with the patient. If appropriate an impression is taken for a hearing aid. Each patient is fitted with the most appropriate behind-the-ear digital hearing aids for their hearing loss. Patients are offered a choice of colour of hearing aid.
Follow up appointments
If patients already have an NHS aid, they can self-refer to the department for reassessment, repairs or advice. These are all on an appointment only basis. Patients can self refer once a hearing aid has been prescribed. The telephone number for all appointments regardless of location is 01935 384249 (direct line).
Hearing aid batteries
All batteries are supplied free of charge to patients issued with NHS hearing aids. Many GP surgeries now carry supplies for the convenience of their patients. Please see the list for further information
Telephone 01935 384249. This line is generally manned from 8am to 5pm on weekdays:
Please note there is only one telephone line into the Audiology department, so if this line is engaged, you will need to hang up and try again. If your call is not answered, you should be able to leave a message on the voicemail which will be responded to in a timely manner.
SMS: 07810152054
Email: audio@ydh.nhs.uk