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Yeovil District Hospital’s research department is celebrating being open for 21 years with an open day on Monday 3 October. The open day is an opportunity for members of the public to come and find out more about research.

The event will take place at the hospital in the Academy. There is a drop-in session for members of the public between 2pm - 4pm.

The research unit was first opened in 1995 with just two research nurses. The department has now expanded and includes 19 members, containing 14 research nurses.

Joanna Allison, Manager of the Research and Development department said: “The department has been running for 21 years and has grown from running only three studies with a handful of patients to over 100 studies open at any one time and recruiting nearly 700 patients per year. For a small hospital, this is far above expected and demonstrates a really active research ethos from all clinical teams. The clinical research unit host all types of studies from simple blood tests and questionnaires, to drug and device studies. This includes studies in cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, surgery, orthopaedics, heart disease, children’s care and stroke.

“The team are keen to share the work we do with members of the public and invite them to come and find out more about research and ask us questions.”


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