Why are remote consultations being introduced?
To provide an alternative way to access your consultant or specialist nurse in order and to make it easier for people who would struggle to attend a hospital clinic to maintain access to specialist advice.
What is a remote consultation?
It is a conversation that happens between you and your consultant or specialist nurse – you can see and hear each other without being in the same room or building. It uses a technology called “Skype” to allow you to see and hear each other. Lots of people use it all over the world to talk to family and friends who do not live near each other, for example in other countries.
What is Skype?
Skype is the programme that allows you and your consultant or specialist nurse to be able to hear and see each other. It works over the internet.
Is Skype safe/secure?
Skype has been used in many other healthcare organisations with patients and there have not been any reports of security breaches.
As with all information transmitted across the internet, the security of Skype isn’t 100%, but it is more secure than sending an email or posting a letter, so we believe the benefits outweigh the risks.
What happens if I don’t want to talk to my consultant or specialist nurse in this way?
If you do not like this method of communication it can be stopped at any time. It is your choice whether or not you use it and we will answer any questions you may have before it is used and ask you for your consent.
How will I be prepared for my remote consultation?
We will email you an invitation to join a Skype meeting at a time which will have been arranged between yourself and the hospital staff. The email contains the date, time, the link to click on and details regarding what you need to do.
When the consultant or specialist nurse starts the consultation with you, he/she will introduce themselves, check that you are happy to proceed and check your name and date of birth. At the end of the consultation they will check that you have understood the conversation and ask if you have any questions. After the consultation has finished, the consultant or specialist nurse will write or type the outcome of the consultation in your notes.