Scans, diagnostic imaging and x-rays

We offer a wide range of private scans, diagnostic imaging and x-rays. Our hospital is located in Yeovil, South Somerset and close to the border with Dorset, which makes us easily accessible to patients across Somerset and Dorset.

Our scans, diagnostic imaging and x-rays are conducted by our consultant radiologists and expert sonographers. Your GP, Physiotherapist or healthcare professional may refer you for a scan to help them recommend the correct course of treatment for you. Our team will complete the required scan and provide an initial report to explain the findings.

Scans available to private patients

  • MRI Scans
  • Ultrasound scans
  • CT Scans
  • Plain X-rays
  • Baby bonding scans

Which scans are most popular?

Please click on the links below to find out more about the scans and their costs.

CT scans and costs
MRI scans and costs
Ultrasound scans and costs

How to book a private scan:

To book your scan please call us on 01935 384576 or contact us using our simple online form

Meet our diagnostic imaging and scanning team

Richard Clarkson MBChB - Consultant Clinical Radiologist

I am a Consultant Clinical Radiologist who graduated from Birmingham University MBChB in 1997. After passing my membership to the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2000 I progressed to training in Radiology in Edinburgh, passing my Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists in 2005 prior to commencing as a Consultant in 2007. I am a full member of the British Society of Skeletal Radiologists.

I am a general radiologist with a particular interest in musculoskeletal radiology incorporating all orthopaedic imaging and sports medicine imaging including various interventional therapeutic techniques. I have worked with Yeovil Town Football Club since 2007 and was involved with the provision of imaging at both the London Olympics and Paralympics in 2012. I have been appointed an Honorary Clinical Tutor at the University of Bristol and have helped train local staff, army medical staff and national sports physicians in the use of musculoskeletal ultrasound.

Dr Malcolm Hay MB ChB, FFRad(D)(SA), MMed(RadD), FRCR - Consultant Clinical Radiologist

Dr Hay graduated from the University of Cape Town in 1978. He completed his post-graduate training in radiology at the University of Stellenbosch in 1987, obtaining the Fellowship of the Faculty of Radiologists of the College of Medicine of South Africa and a Master’s degree in diagnostic radiology from Stellenbosch University. He was appointed as a consultant clinical radiologist at Yeovil District Hospital in 1999 after gaining the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists. He is on the specialist register of the GMC.

Dr Hay is a general diagnostic radiologist with special interests in CT and MRI imaging of the head, chest and abdomen including cancer imaging; CT imaging of the arteries of the heart (CT coronary angiography) and lungs (CT pulmonary angiography); high-resolution CT of the lungs; and musculo-skeletal ultrasound and MR (shoulder, hip, knee and ankle). He is the lead radiologist for the upper gastro-intestinal cancer multi-disciplinary team. He also provides a general ultrasound service as well as plain film reporting.

Dr Jeremy Hacking BSc MB BChir MRCP FRCR

I qualified from The Middlesex Hospital and Cambridge University in 1984 and also did my Radiology training in Cambridge. I was appointed to Yeovil in 1994 and have worked here ever since.
I am a general radiologist and use all modalities. I have a major interest in cross sectional imaging, particularly CT scanning in the field of oncology. I am also the lead for nuclear medicine.


Dr Cenydd Thomas, Consultant Radiologist. MA, MBBS, MRCP, FRCR

My medical training was at Oxford and Imperial College London at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington. MRCP was awarded in 2001. Radiology training was obtained from the region of Wessex, primarily based in Southampton and the FRCR was awarded in 2007. I have been working in Yeovil District Hospital since 2010, my interests lie in cross-sectional imaging and musculoskeletal imaging. I have helped develop CT colonography and Cardiac CT services at Yeovil Hospital.