We understand that knowing what your treatment will cost helps to give you peace of mind. That’s why we will always provide you with a full cost estimate to explain the key expected costs of your treatment. Our all inclusive guide prices include:

  • Consultant fees
  • Any prosthesis charges
  • Theatre charges
  • Accommodation
  • Food and beverages

Call 01935 384 234 or contact us online to find out more.

Self-funded private treatment guide prices

Guide prices for some of our most popular self-pay treatments can be seen below.

Comparing prices? Not all private hospitals publish an all inclusive guide price like we do. When comparing us please ensure you ask for an all inclusive price from the other provider. We want you to feel confident you’re getting the best value for money.

Investigations and treatment in the private sector can be costly, particularly if there is no private health insurance.

Patients attending for private consultation may find that x-rays, laboratory tests or other investigations need to be arranged.

Before embarking upon these, it is important that patients are fully informed of the costs they may incur and this leaflet is intended to provide as much information as possible.

Private outpatients may change to NHS status at any time but this intention must be clearly indicated to the Consultant - ideally in writing. The Consultant is obliged to write to the General Practitioner to notify them of this change of status. The GP will then re-refer the patient on an NHS basis for any tests or treatment.

Patients reverting to NHS status may not be advantaged on the NHS waiting lists by having had a private consultation.

Please contact the Private Patient Office on 01935 384 234. Detailed estimates can be provided for any procedure as required.

Clinical investigations£
ECG - heart trace135
Treadmill test 411
24 Hour ECG441
48 Hour ECG454
24 Hour blood pressure441
Carbon 13 breath test411
Home oximetry411
Event recorders417
Lung function tests411
Nerve conduction studies197
24 Hour PH/motility monitoring597
3 Day ECG477
7 Day ECG514
Pacemaker follow up143
Dobutamine stress echocardiogram609
The charges above relate to the hospital’s costs and do not include consultants’ fees for interpretation of the test results.
Bone density scan314
Radiological testsTotal charge to include Consultant Radiologist's fee 
Chest, hand, feet etc151
Skull, spine216
Barium meal402
Barium follow through450
Barium enema473
Small bowel enema622
Venogram conventional532
Venogram ultrasound266
Renal and abdominal x-ray314
Small areas238
Prostate biopsy950 (inc histology)
Carotid doppler402
  • CT scans from £377 to £972 inclusive of hospital and consultant fees.
  • MRI scans from £539 to £911 inclusive.
  • Shoulder hydrodistension for frozen shoulder £599.
Laboratory testsHospitalConsultant
Biochemistry per test4215
Haematology per test387
Blood grouping487
Histopathology - fees vary according to the complexity of the tests undertaken. Price guidance is available on applicationFrom 56 to 458From 160 to 266

In NHS facilities or on the Kingston Wing

Outpatient procedures

Minor procedure143
Intermediate procedure288

Outpatient physiotherapy£
New patient52
Follow up47

Consultant fees vary for both outpatient appointments and procedures, please contact the consultant’s secretary for prices. Private patients attending for investigations or treatment will be asked to sign an Outpatient Registration form. This form asks the patient to accept responsibility for invoices arising from the visit to hospital. For many, this will mean making a claim on Private Health Insurance and it is helpful to have insurance policy details available at that time.

ProcedureGuide price
Colonoscopy with sedation £1,795
Flexible sigmoidoscopy £1,265
General surgery
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal)£6,345
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia (keyhole)£4,225
Open inguinal hernia (GA)£3,065
Open inguinal hernia (LA)£2,535
Abdominal hysterectomy (criteria dependent)£6,875
Hysteroscopy (criteria dependent)£2,435
Pelvic floor repair£5,420
Vaginal hysterectomy with pelvic floor repair (criteria dependent)£6,500
Cataract surgery with standard lens£2,745
Various lens options available, please enquire for quotation
ACL reconstruction£6,340
Arthroscopic capsular release£4,965
Carpal tunnel under local anaesthetic (criteria dependent)£1,635
Hip arthroscopy£6,025
Hip injection under x-ray control under local anaesthetic£1,265
Hip replacement£11,695
Knee arthroscopy (criteria dependent) £3,695
Knee replacement (partial)£11,625
Knee replacement (total)£12,475
Rotator cuff repair £5,630
Shoulder arthroscopic sub-acromial decompression (criteria dependent)£4,545
Shoulder replacement£12,475
Shoulder hydrodistension for frozen shoulder£599

Treatment tailored to your specific needs

Our consultants will tailor the treatment they recommend to your specific needs. The table above is a useful guide to what each treatment costs. Please do not hesitate to call us on 01935 384234 to get a bespoke quote. You will always receive a written price quote from us before being admitted for treatment.