Knee replacement

The Kingston Wing offers a range of knee replacement surgery and treatments. We want you to feel strong and healthy and to get a fast return to the things you love. Our expert knee consultants and private surgery team can guide you through the process and procedures so you feel comfortable, confident and fully informed at all times. Our services include full knee replacement, knee arthroscopy and general knee surgery. These procedures are available to private patients that choose to self-fund their surgery or those that have private healthcare insurance and are referred to us.

Total knee replacement and arthroscopy surgery

The Kingston Wing is part of Yeovil Hospital in Somerset. We offer a variety of knee surgery to private patients in a safe and reassuring environment. Our services include:

  • Total knee replacement
  • Knee arthroscopy
  • General knee surgery

Knee replacement and arthroscopy prices

Knee replacement - £9,995
Knee arthroscopy - £2,595

For a full list of prices please view our pricing page.

Private experience. NHS peace of mind

Receive the professional care you expect from a private hospital and get added peace of mind - because you’ll know your treatment is being delivered within the supporting structure of an established NHS hospital. We will always be here to support you when you need us. You can read more about The Kingston Wing experience here.

To find out more or to ask us a question…

Call 01935 384234 or use our simple enquiry form.

Meet our expert knee consultants and surgeons

Matthew Hall BSc(Hons), MBChB, FRCS(Trauma & Orthopaedics)

Training: I graduated from Aberdeen University with my subsequent postgraduate Orthopaedic training in the South West Peninsula region working in Plymouth, Truro and Exeter. I then undertook specialist fellowship training in Australia for a year working in Melbourne and Perth focusing on all aspects of hip and knee replacement surgery as well as keyhole surgery of the knee. After returning to the UK I worked in the internationally renowned Exeter Hip Unit followed by further hip and knee fellowship at Plymouth for a year. I was appointed Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Yeovil District Hospital in May 2013.

I specialise in hip and knee replacement surgery, primary and revision, as well as keyhole surgery of the knee. During my fellowship I used patient specific knee replacement technology as well as regularly using computer navigation for knee replacements. I have an interest in trauma care after my time working in Plymouth, the major trauma centre for the South West Peninsula region.

Membership of Professional Bodies: British Orthopaedic Association. AO Trauma, British Hip Society, National Joint Registry (NJR).


Mr Ben Lankester, Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, MA, BM BCh, MRCS, FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Training: Oxford University Medical School, postgraduate training in orthopaedic surgery in Bath and Bristol region, specialist training in hip and knee surgery and complex trauma in Bristol and Seattle, USA.

Specialises in hip and knee replacement surgery, partial (unicompartmental) knee replacement via a minimally-invasive (MIS) approach, keyhole knee surgery (including cartilage repair and stimulation techniques), Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction (arthroscopic hamstring tendon technique), patello-femoral joint surgery (realignment / stabilisation of kneecap, PF joint replacement) & lower limb sports injuries.


Mr Paul Latimer, Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, MBChB, MSc, PGCME, FRCS (tr & orth)

Paul Latimer comes to us from Derriford hospital where he worked as a locum consultant, having just returned from a fellowship in Australia. Specialises in revision hip and knee replacement, trauma and foot and ankle surgery. Paul trained at Bristol, qualifying in 1996.

Patients who require a private appointment with Mr Latimer can usually expect to be seen within one week.


Mr Paul Porter, Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, BM BSc(Hons) FRCS FRCS(Orth)

Appointed in 2004. Training: Southampton University Medical School 1991, F.R.C.S. (Glasgow) 1996, F.R.C.S. (Orth) 2002, Orthopaedic Registrar training – Yorkshire Rotation, 1997-2004. Fellowships: Arthroplasty Fellow at Leeds Teaching Hospitals.

“I have experience across a wide range of orthopaedics and have a broad general interest. I undertook a Fellowship at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals in lower limb joint replacement and developed a special interest in this area. However, I also spent a year at St James’ Hospital in Leeds working for six months in the Hand Surgery Unit and for six months with the Reconstructive Trauma Team”.

Membership of Professional Bodies: British Orthopaedic Society (Fellow), British Medical Association, Medical Defence Union, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow (Fellow).

Specialises in hip & knee replacement, lower limb surgery, including hip and knee arthroplasty & knee arthroscopy, general orthopaedics & trauma.


Mr David Shardlow, Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, MBBS MSc(Eng) FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Appointed in 2001. Training: Graduated Kings College, London, 1989, general orthopaedic training in London and Leeds, sub-specialty training in hip and knee replacement surgery.

Specialises in hip and knee replacement, particularly treatment of the young arthritic hip.

Special expertise lies in first time and revision hip and knee arthroplasty. Mr Shardlow specialises in the treatment of young hip arthritis, including hip arthroscopy, hip debridement, hip resurfacing and ceramic and other cementless total hip replacements. He is also an experienced knee surgeon performing arthroscopic knee surgery and total knee replacement.


Mr Graham Smibert, Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon

Appointed in 1991.

Training: Middlesex Hospital, 1976, Senior Registrar in Kings Rotation, Sabbatical in Sydney, 1990, including upper limb surgery, sports injuries and foot and ankle surgery.

Specialises in shoulder and upper limb surgery, arthroscopic surgery, joint replacements, sports injuries and foot surgery.

Developed arthroscopic procedures of the knee, shoulder, wrist, elbow and ankle, introduced the upper limb clinic at YDH in 1996, introduced uncemented hip replacements in Yeovil in 1997, Honorary Surgeon to Yeovil Town Football Club.