Self refer for DXA scanning today! Just £120 a scan or £330 for 3.

Our state-of-the-art DXA scanning will show you:

  • overall body fat, muscle & bone percentages
  • breakdowns of both legs, arms and torso
  • where your body fat and muscle is distributed
  • visceral fat (the dangerous fat around organs)

You can use this information with your personal trainer, nutritionist or dietitian to help:

  • plan your exercise regime
  • work out a weight loss program
  • identify your ideal body weight
  • discuss health risks associated with high/low levels of body fat
  • check for excess accumulation of intra-abdominal fat

Multiple scans over time can deliver precise trending information so you can map your progress!

For more information and to book your DXA Body Composition Scan call 01935 384234 or self-refer using the form above.