We are excited to announce that this month we will be taking delivery of a new MRI scanner at Yeovil Hospital.

This is a large piece of equipment that will enable us to provide a fantastic level of MRI diagnostics, however, due to the size there will be significant building work taking place in the front entrance/reception area of Yeovil Hospital. This will enable us to move it into position in the radiology department.

The first step in our preparations will begin at 8pm today (18 June) and will involve removing the doors in the front entrance. We are taking the opportunity to fully replace these with doors that can open to full height and provide a more flexible entrance. This work will take place over the weekend and the outpatients door will be used for access until 7am on Monday (21 June).

From 7am Monday, the single door of the main entrance will be back in use as an entry point with a one way system back in place and the outpatients door being used as an exit.

Later next week, Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 June, the wall of the Friends Shop will be taken down and replaced with a temporary wall. We would like to thank the League of Friends and the shop team for their understanding and will be working to do all we can to provide support.  

These steps will allow us to take delivery of the new MRI scanner on Saturday 26 June.

During this period there will be additional signage and staff directing people to the correct entry and exit. Members of the senior team will be on site through all steps and, as you can imagine, this will be a major piece of work and there are robust plans in place to help it to go as smoothly as it can. There will be unavoidable disruption so we need everyone’s support.

How can our patients and visitors support us while this work takes place?

  • Please make sure you read the signage and check which entrance and exit to use, being aware that it will change during this period
  • If you are unsure, please ask a member of staff who will be happy to help
  • Continue to use the gel and masks at the entry and exit points

Please note that when the main entrance is completely boarded there will be emergency exit bars in place to ensure the exit can be used in an emergency evacuation situation.

We look forward to sharing photos with you as this progresses!

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This post was written by Communications Team

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