Following our hospital assessment of you and your baby it has been confirmed that your waters have broken (this is called pre labour rupture of membranes), and that you are both well.
Following the latest research, you have been given the opportunity to remain at home to establish labour. Most women (86 per cent) go into spontaneous labour within 24 hours of their waters breaking. During this time there is a risk that you could develop a maternal/neonatal infection, therefore while you are home we recommend that
you check your temperature every four hours and record it.
If you have any concerns while you are at home or any of the following occur, please ring the Labour Ward for advice on 01935 384 350:
- If your temperature is above 37.4 degrees celcius or you feel unwell
- If the fluid you are losing, which should be clear and odour free, changes colour to green or brown, or begins to smell
- If you notice a change in you baby’s normal pattern of movements
- Labour may start within the next 24 hours. If your labour has not begun after 24 hours, your labour will need to be induced. This will mean giving you a hormone preparation (prostaglandin) or a hormone drip (syntocinon). A induction of labour leaflet is available to provide more information if required.
Before leaving the maternity unit you will be given a time to return as you will need to attend the maternity ward daily for reassessment. While at home you should rest, eat and drink normally. You may bath or shower, but avoid bubble bath.
Instruction for use of digital thermometer
- Place probe cover over thermometer.
- Press the ON/OFF button to activate the thermometer.
- Position sensor tip either orally or under the arm and wait 20 seconds for bleeps.
- Read final temperature and document recording.
- Please return the thermometer to Labour Ward when you return for your induction or when in labour.
Date | Time | +4 hours | +4 hours | +4 hours | +4 hours | +4 hours |
Your temperature | ||||||
Your temperature |
If you require any further information, please contact:
Labour Ward
01935 384 350