
PICCS should be flushed with 10ml saline prior to administering medication through the PICC and after each use. PICCs should be flushed using Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT) at least once every seven days. A push-pause technique should be used and should end on a positive pressure. A PICC should never be flushed with a syringe smaller than 10ml as the pressure will be too great and could cause rupture.


  • Clean procedure tray/trolley
  • Non-sterile gloves and plastic apron
  • 10ml pre-filled saline syringe
  • 2% Chlorhexidine in 70% alcohol wipes

Collect equipment and place in clean procedure tray

  • Wash hands thoroughly and put on non-sterile gloves and apron
  • Place all equipment onto sterile field
  • Clean the needle free access device thoroughly with 2% Chlorhexidine in 70% alcohol wipe for 30 seconds and allow to air dry for at least 30 seconds
  • Connect the 10ml pre-filled syringe directly onto the bung.
  • Flush the PICC using push-pause technique making sure to end on positive pressure and remove the syringe.
  • Dispose of equipment safely
  • Wash hands

Changing a PICC dressing

  • A PICC must be re-dressed at least once every seven days and this can be done using ANTT. The fixation device (Grip-Lok®/Statlock®) should be changed at least once every three weeks. Please note: if the PICC has a SecurAcath® attached, this device must not be changed.


  • Clean procedure tray/trolley
  • Dressing pack
  • Chloraprep® applicator 3mls
  • Fixation device (Grip-Lok®/Statlock®)
  • Transparent semi-permeable occlusive dressing (IV3000/Tegaderm/Hydrofilm)
  • 2% Chlorhexidine in 70% alcohol wipe
  • Needle-free access device


  • Wash hands thoroughly
  • Put on apron, open dressing pack and put dressing, Chloraprep® and needle free access device onto sterile field using ANTT
  • Remove existing dressing and place in waste bag
  • Wash hands and put on sterile gloves
  • Clean site with Chloraprep® for 30 seconds and leave to air dry for 30 seconds
  • Note external PICC measurement (cm marking on PICC every 5cm)
  • Change fixation device if required
  • Apply dressing making sure exit site is covered
  • Remove existing needle-free access device
  • Clean hub with 2% Chlorhexidine in 70% alcohol wipe
  • Attach new needle-free access device
  • Dispose of equipment safely
  • Wash hands

If unable to flush PICC please contact the Macmillan Unit on 01935 384873

Patient information when chemo pump
in situ

You’ll be sent home with a pack containing:

  • Apron
  • Gloves
  • Bung
  • Self-seal chemotherapy waste bag

In the unlikely event that the pump leaks, please contact the Macmillan Unit or phone OOH numbers in the front of your blue book for advice and guidance.

Pump disconnection at home:

The pump has infused all the contents when the balloon inside the plastic outer casing looks completely deflated.


  • Clean procedure tray/trolley
  • Non-sterile gloves and apron
  • 10ml pre-filled saline syringe
  • White bung
  • 2% Chlorhexidine in 70% alcohol wipe
  • Self-seal chemotherapy waste bag


  • Wash hands thoroughly
  • Put on non-sterile gloves and apron
  • Disconnect pump line from needle-free access device on PICC
  • Apply white bung to end of pump line for disposal
  • Place empty pump into self-seal chemotherapy waste bag. Do not seal bag at this point.
  • Wipe the end of the needle-free access device (on end of PICC line) with 2% Chlorhexidine in 70% alcohol wipe for 30 seconds.
  • Carefully expel air from pre-filled saline syringe by removing the white bung and GENTLY pushing on syringe plunger
  • Attach syringe securely by twisting onto needle-free access device on PICC
  • Using a push/pause technique, flush PICC
  • Finish flush with positive pressure
  • Dispose of all equipment into self-seal chemotherapy waste bag. Seal the bag and return to the Macmillan Unit on next treatment appointment
  • Wash hands thoroughly.
  • You can have an MRI scan with the SecurAcath in place
  • The SecurAcath will be removed when the catheter is removed

Please feel free to contact us with any other questions or concerns you may have. We are here to help.

The Oncology Unit is situated at St Margaret’s Hospice, Yeovil and is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Treatment Room
01935 384 873

01935 384329

Out of hours, please call the Beacon Ward at Musgrove Park Hospital for advice
01823 342 436

This information has been compiled by Shirley Fox in conjunction with the Haematology/Oncology Day Unit, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, information booklet on PICC lines

Ref: 21-20-105
Review: 04/23