There may be circumstances where relatives wish to stay with patients outside of normal visiting times, for example when a patient is very ill. If this is the case, please do not hesitate to discuss this with the ward staff.
It is very important that visitors do not come in if they are suffering from heavy colds, flu or any form of tummy upset, diarrhoea or vomiting.
Visiting times on the Freya Ward (antenatal and postnatal) are between 10am and 10pm for parents and their own children/stepchildren (any age), and for visitors (children under 11 years are not allowed) between 3 and 4pm and 6 and 7pm.
Visiting times on the Intensive Care Unit visiting hours are flexible. The only times that we do not accept visitors are between 2.30pm and 3.30pm. Patients need rest and visitors are asked not to spend too long on the ward as this can be stressful and tiring for the patient. Visitors should also be aware that they may have to wait if the clinical staff are caring for patients.
Please have no more than two visitors at any one time and ask them not to sit on your bed. We advise that children do not visit, but where allowed we ask that they are kept under close supervision for the comfort and safety of all.
Pets are not usually allowed in the hospital although exceptions are made for Guide Dogs and for other special cases. Permission must be requested from the nurse in charge.
Visitors are welcome to bring in gifts but flowers or plants are not allowed as they attract dust and make cleaning difficult. Ideal gifts include squash or sparkling water with low calorie versions for patients with diabetes or heart problems; small quantities of fresh fruit and small packets of plain biscuits. Food should be in a covered container to protect it from airborne contamination. Please do not bring in diabetic biscuits, preserves and chocolates as they are high in calories and may have a laxative effect.