Easy Read information about the coronavirus

The charity Mencap has produced lots of Easy Read information which will help people to understand the coronavirus, and how they can keep themselves safe.

This includes information about what to expect if you or someone you know catches the virus and have to come into hospital

About coronavirus

About coronavirus (COVID-19)

What will happen if I get coronavirus (COVID-19)?

What to expect from coronavirus (COVID-19) if you live with other people

What to expect from coronavirus (COVID-19) if you live on your own


About self-isolating if you live on your own

About self-isolating if you live with other people

Social distancing

About social distancing if you live with other people


Guidance on protecting people most likely to get very poorly from coronavirus

Face coverings

The government’s instructions about face coverings

Why people are wearing face coverings when they go out 

Wearing a face covering when you go out

Keeping clean and handwashing

How to stop coronavirus spreading by keeping clean

How to wash your hands