Information & advice about coronavirus

The health and safety of our patients, visitors and staff is our absolute priority and we have robust procedures to prevent infection and transmission. 

Wearing a face covering when you visit

All members of the public are asked to wear a hospital-provided single use mask when entering the building. These are available at all entrances to the hospital. Please gel your hands before taking a mask.

Access to care

Our Emergency Department (A&E) is always open and those suffering a serious or life-threatening illness or injury should attend as normal (you will be met at the front door and speak to a member of our team before you enter the department)

Not sure when you should go to A&E? Read the NHS advice here:

Remember, you can contact NHS 111 online or over the phone if you or a member of your family are unwell.  It’s important that you don’t delay seeking treatment.

What to expect when you come into hospital

If you have to come to Yeovil Hospital you will notice we have put some changes in place to protect you and our staff. We have removed things such as touchpad check-in screens and some seating, and reception desks have Perspex screens in front of them and markings on the floor to advise you of where to stand when talking to our staff.

We have also introduced limits on the numbers of people who can use lifts at any one time (please see the signs on each lift) . If you are unable to use the stairs (we appreciate this is not possible for many people and that some of our wards are many floors up) this may mean waiting longer than normal. Again we apologise for this, but appreciate your cooperation.

Please follow the signage on walls, doors and floors throughout the hospital. This will help you maintain a safe distance from others.


Our latest guidance can be found on our visiting page here: Visiting restrictions

Outpatient services

Some hospital services, particularly those providing less urgent care, have changed in order to protect patients and staff. This includes many of our outpatient clinics, which are now offering ‘virtual clinics’ online or over the telephone. The hospital will have contacted you if your appointments are being provided in this way.

We have only made these changes where our clinical teams are assured they can provide a safe and effective level of care in this way. If you are asked to attend a a face-to-face appointment at Yeovil Hospital, please attend alone (unless there are exceptional circumstances - please call the number on you appointment letter to arrange) and please do not enter the hospital until less than 10 minutes before your appointment time. This will help us ensure our patients and staff can maintain a safe distance.


It’s very important that we maintain access to maternity services, and you will find lots of information on our Maternity pages. To find out how we have adapted services to ensure they continue providing parents and babies with safe care and support, visit the Maternity Service pages here:

Reducing the spread of infection

Actions such as washing your hands and social distancing are still vitally important to protect your health and limit the spread of infection. This will also help the NHS to manage and save lives. 

You should continue to follow the latest national guidance available here

How to wash your hands properly & Easy Read guidance

Done properly, handwashing is one of the most effective ways to keep yourself safe from the coronavirus. For simple-to-follow advice on good handwashing technique, click on one of the links below:

The NHS have published useful information and a video here:

The BBC’s Newsround have produced this short, fun video for children:

This video has been created by Hertfordshire’s ‘Purple All Stars’ for those with learning disabilities:

Mencap has also produced this Easy Read leaflet:

Easy Read: Click here for Easy Read general information and advice about the coronavirus for those with a learning disability (COVID-19).  

Guidance about social distancing

Read the latest advice from the Government about effective and safe social distancing here: