At Yeovil Hospital, the chaplaincy team works alongside patients, staff and relatives to offer pastoral and spiritual support to the whole hospital community.
Our chaplaincy
Coming into hospital can be an anxious time. Whatever your faith, or if you have no beliefs at all, we offer 24/7 support whenever you need it. Whether it’s for prayer, chapel attendance on a Sunday, or just a bedside visit, our chaplaincy team is here for you.
Our ethos focuses on commitment to the wellbeing of the whole person - body, mind and spirit. We respect personal integrity and can support you in exploring your hopes and fears while in hospital.
We act in partnership with local faith communities, and are happy to support those who are spiritual but not religious.
A Roman Catholic priest is available in the hospital and he can be contacted via the switchboard. The chaplaincy can provide details of people from other faiths should you need them.
We are also fortunate to have a dedicated team of volunteers who visit on the ward and who assist in the chapel. If you are interested in volunteering for us, please contact the patient experience team on 01935 384 706 or email
The hospital chapel is on level 4 near the Academy. It is a multi-faith space, open to all from 7am to 9pm. A key can be obtained from the switchboard at night. The chapel is used regularly by patients, relatives, carers and staff. It is a place of quiet, prayer and reflection.
There is a Christian act of worship every Sunday in the chapel at 11am and morning prayers on Tuesdays at 8.30am.
There is a Muslim area for prayer with washing facilities next to the Kingston Wing on level 4.
There are two books in the chapel for remembrance. One is for patients who have been cared for in the hospital and the other is for those who have lost a baby.
There is an annual service in St John’s Church, Yeovil, for those whose relatives have died in the hospital. There is also a memorial service in St Andrew’s Church, Yeovil, on the first Monday in June for those whose who have suffered the loss of a baby.
Our chaplain is very happy to come and visit you at your request. You can ask a nurse to contact our chaplain’s office on extension 4357. We can also be paged out of hours via the switchboard.
Requests to visit neighbours, relatives or friends can be made please see details in contact us.
Our Sunday chaplaincy team visit between 10am and 12noon and also in the afternoon. They bring communion to the bedside to those who have requested it and offer prayers, spiritual care or simply a chat.
Our wards and departments are also visited in the week by one of our chaplains, or our trained volunteers.
There are regular chaplaincy broadcasts on our hospital radio station, Radio Camelot. For more information, email [email protected] or ask the Radio Camelot team who visit the wards.
Our chaplaincy team can be contacted in the following ways:
Telephone: 01935 384357 (answerphone) or 01935 475122, ext. 4357.
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
If urgent, ask the switchboard to page the on-call chaplain.
A chaplain is usually present in the hospital during the following times:
- Monday – Thursday, 8.30am – 4.30pm
- Sunday - 9am - 4pm
Healthcare Chaplaincy Faith & Belief Group:
Stillborn & Neonatal Death (Sands):
Snowdrop group (Yeovil Sands):
Cruse Bereavement Care:
Finleys Footprints (stillbirth or neonatal loss):