Leaflets are regularly being updated where necessary. If the leaflet which you need is not yet available to download (scroll down for a full list of all leaflets not yet available to download), please email [email protected] or call 01935 384233.
Please contact us if you would like a leaflet in large print, a different format or you would like a leaflet in a different language. You can also ring us to suggest a new leaflet.
Andrology leaflets
Audiology leaflets
Breast and Stoma Care leaflets
After mastectomy or axillary surgery
Bowel Cancer symptoms and tests
Breast clinics a guide to patient services
Diverticular Disease
Information for stoma patients undergoing chemotherapy
Muscle toning exercises for temporary stoma patient
Staying healthy after bowel cancer
The three Bs to combat bowel cancer
Treatment for primary bowel cancer
Cardiology and Coronary Care leaflets
Children's Services (Paedicatrics) leaflets
Welcome to Dillington ward children with serious illness
Welcome to Dillington Ward for Young Adults
Advice following your appendectomy young adult
Advice for carers of children younger than 5 yrs with a fever
Allergy action plan epipen 0.3mg
Allergy action plan epipen 0.15mg
Allergy action plan for low risk children
Appendectomy advice for parents
BCG vaccination
Caring for child with Gastroenteritis at home
Child Asthma Plan
Childrens’ Community Nursing Service
Co Trimoxazole Septrin
Doxo & Dauno
Febrile convulsions advice sheet
Head injury advice child under 12
Head injury advice over 12
Intrathecal Methotrexate
Mercaptopurine 6mp
Oral Methotrexate
Paeds oncology outreach NS
Pyloric Stenosis
Suitable foods after gastroenteritis
Sweat test
Tegan visits main theatre
What is Cystic Fibrosis
Day Surgery leaflets
Advice for patients following eye surgery
Anal Fissure and Anal Fistula
Applying a shoulder cooling compression bandage
Banding Therapy for Oesophageal Varices
Bascoms procedure for pilonidal sinus
Controlling your pain after Day Surgery
Discharge advice following urgent day surgery
Diverticular disease
Epidural injection
Facet Joint Injection
Flourescein angiography
Guanethidine block
Guidelines for people who take tablets for their Diabetes
Guidelines for people with Diabetes and on GLP-1 analogue
Guidelines for people with Diabetes and on Insulin - Multi dose insulin
Guidelines for people with Diabetes and on Insulin - Once daily insulin
Guidelines for people with Diabetes and on Insulin - Twice daily Insulin
Guidelines for local nerve block injection
Guidelines for parents following your childs hernia hydrocele repair
Guidelines for parents following your childs orchidopexy
Guidelines for people with Diabetes who are attending for a morning gastroscopy procedure
Guidelines for people with Diabetes who are attending for an afternoon gastroscopy procedure
Guidelines for people with diabetes who are attending for Colonoscopy
Guidelines for the local anaesthetic steroid injection
Having a ERCP
Having a hernia repair
High Fibre advice
Hypnovel injection warning
Information for parents after your child has had a general anaesthetic
Information for parents following removal of your childs adenoids
Information for parents of children having grommets inserted
Information for patients following removal of a breast lump
Information for patients having a Bronchoscopy
Information for patients having a Colonoscopy
Information for patients having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Information for patients having a Gastroscopy
Information for patients having a hernia repair
Information for patients having a vasectomy
Information for patients having varicose vein surgery
Instructions for patients following extractions or oral surgery
Information for patients suffering from Crohn’s Disease
Information for patients with Barrett’s Oesophagus
Information for patients with Coeliac Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Peripheral nerve blocks
Theatre Admissions Lounge
Ulcerative Colitis
What is Dyspepsia
What is H. Pylori?
You and your anaesthetic
Dermatology leaflets
Actinic Keratoses
Basal cell carcinoma
Bowens Disease
Care of your stitched wound after your operation
Care of your wound following skin curettage
Diagnostic punch biopsy of the skin
How to look after scars
Local anaesthetic information
Malignant Melanoma
Melanoma in situ and lentigo maligna
Punch Biopsy
Seborrheic Keratoses
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Shave excision
Simple excision of skin lesion
Skin Cancer MDT
Skin Curettage
Skin flaps and Grafts
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Suspected skin cancer
Discharge information leaflets
Emergency Admissions Unit leaflets
Emergency Department leaflets
Welcome to the Emergency Department
Advice for acute back pain
Advice for acute foot and ankle injuries
Advice for acute hip injuries
Advice for acute knee injuries
Advice for acute neck pain
Advice for parent or a carer of a child with a head injury
Advice for relatives and friends of adult patients with a head injury
Advice on care during and following an epileptic seizure
Chest wall injuries
Child safety
Children with burns
Childrens pulled elbow
Decision to x-ray
Driving advice following a collapse
Emergency contraception
Eye care
Ketamine sedation
Physiotherapy referral
Plaster cast advice
Wound Care
Gastroenterology leaflets
Banding Therapy for Oesophageal Varices
Barretts oesophagusInformation for patients having balloon gastrostomy tube replacement
Inpatient ERCP
Insertion of oesophageal stent
Oesophageal cancer
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
Reflux oesophagitis
Gynaecology and Fertility leaflets
Advice for patients having a vulval biopsy under local anaesthetic
Clomifene Citrate
Coping with morning sickness
Day case procedure information
Dietary advice for women with PCOS
ERPC for miscarriage
Gonadotrophin therapy
Gynaecology admissions information card
Gynaeoncology specialist nurse information
Hysterectomy explained for you
Hysterosalpingogram test
Hysteroscopy as an outpatient
Infertility investigation and treatments
Information about Endometriosis
Information for Female sterilsation
Information for new couples
Information for patients about Semen Analysis
Information for patients having a Cone Biopsy
Information for patients having a hysteroscopy under general anesthetic
Information for patients having an Endometrial-Resection
Information for treatment of heavy periods
Information following surgical termination of pregnancy
Information for patients having Endometrial Ablation
IUI information for patients
Laparoscopy and Dye hydro-tubation tests
Medical evacuation for miscarriage
Metformin for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Miscarriage coming to term with your loss
Miscarriage what happens next
Ovulation induction and intra-uterine insemination
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Pre-conception care
Suggested instructions in preparation for the post-coital test
Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy
The menstrual cycle
Transvaginal scan
Treatment of urinary incontinence
Treatment of urinary stress incontinence
Ultrasound Hysterosalpingogram
Understanding Hydatidiform Mole
Unexplained inferility
Urinary stress incontinence
Urodynamics for Women
Vaginal repair and hysterectomy
Welcome to Jasmine Ward
Welcome to the Colposcopy Unit
What does an inclusive scan mean
What is an ectopic pregnancy
What is a threatened miscarriage
Yeovil Fertility Unit
Hair Loss Clinic and Wig Services leaflets
Intensive Care Unit leaflets
Infection Control leaflets
Group A Streptococcus
Information about Clostridium difficile
Information about MRSA
Latex Allergy
MRSA Screening
Top tips to stop infection spreading
Viral Gastroenteritis
Maternity leaflets
Medicine leaflets
Occupational Therapy leaflets
Advice for amputees
Energy conservation and work simplification
Postural Drainage in Chest Disease
Wheelchair user guidelines
Oncology leaflets
Cancer information and support centre
Herceptin treatment at the Yeatman Hospital
Information for patients receiving treatment at the Yeatman Hospital
Information for patients on Chemotherapy tablets and associated treatments
PICC Lines a guide for patients
Opthalmology leaflets
Advice for patients following eye surgery
Day Case Eye Surgery
Dry eyes
Fluorescein angiography
Following an operation on your eyelid
Information for Patients considering Cateract surgery
Information regarding Visual field testing
Information for patients considering laser treatment as an outpatient
Medication card
Thyroid eye disease
Vitreous floaters
YAG laser capsulotomy after care
YAG laser capsulotomy pre op
Oral and Maxillo-facial leaflets
Actinic Keratoses
Advice for patients having oral surgery under general anaesthetic
Advice for patients having treatment under local anaesthetic
Basal cell carcinoma
Bowens disease
Facial skin procedure
Information for patients having local anaesthetic and intravenous sedation
Squamous cell carcinoma
Orthopaedics leaflets
Advice for patients following dislocation of the shoulder
After your plaster
Anterior shoulder pre-op
Anterior stabilisation of the shoulder post-op
Calcific tendonitis
Developmental dysplasia of the hip treatment with pavlik harness
Elbow replacement post-op
Elbow replacement pre-op
Frozen shoulder or adesive capsulitis
Instability of the shoulder
Instructions following application of a cast to your arm
Instructions following application of a cast to your leg
Mallet finger injury tendon
MUA (Manipulation under anaesthetic) pre-op
Orthopaedic and trauma outpatients
Plantar Fasciitis
Ponseti technique
Questions and answers for arthroplasty clinic patients
Rotator cuff repair post-op
Rotator cuff repair pre-op
Screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip
Shoulder impingement
Shoulder replacement post-op
Shoulder replacement pre-op
Sub-acromial decompression post-op
Sub-acromial decompression pre-op
Tennis elbow lateral epicodylitis
Use and care of sling
You and your hip replacement
You and your knee replacement
Your fractured neck of femur
Outpatients leaflets
Pathology leaflets
Physiotherapy leaflets
Advice for patients following hand injury or surgery
After the loss of your baby - exercises and advice
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Arthroscopy of the knee post-op
Back care advice for patients
Balance rehabilitation programme
Bladder Training
Bunnel Blocking exercises
Carpal tunnel release
Coping with labour
Desensitisation Programme
Exercise for MCP joint arthroplasty
Exercises for above knee amputees
Exercises for below knee amputees
Exercises for the floppy face
Exercises for the tight stiff face
Exercises for trapeziectomy with sling procedure
Exercises or Facial Palsy brain reminder techniques
Exercises to prevent clicking of the jaw
Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
Extensor tendon gliding exercises
Facial palsy
Flexor Tendon Gilding Exercises
Good Practice Habits and return to play schedule for Musicians
Hand therapy service
Instructions for splints
Later Stage Exercises - Colles Wrist Fracture
Mallet finger injuries (1)
MCP Joint Replacements
Progression of Bunnel Blocking Exercises
Stretches for Brachial Plexus
Trapeziectomy with Sling Procedure
Trigger finger Release
Ulnar Nerve Decompression
Use of Cuban Tape Fingers
Wrist Fracture advice for patients
Pre assessment leaflets
Anal Fissure and Anal Fistula
Anterior stabilisation of the shoulder post-op
Arthroscopy of the knee
Bascoms Procedure for pilonidal sinus
Being admitted for prostate surgery
Hallux Valgus bunion surgery
Having a Cholecystectomy
Having a transrectal ultrasound scan and biopsy of the prostate
Hiatus hernia
Instructions and information for patients coming for surgery
Keeping fit for joint replacement
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
Peripheral nerve blocks
Radical Orchidectomy
Reducing the risk of a blood clot
Sub-Acromial Decompression
Tennis Elbow (Lateral epicodylitis)
Trapeziectomy with Sling Procedure
Ulnar Nerve Decompression
Ultrasound scan of the prostate
Queensway Day Hospital leaflets
Do you have parkinsons disease and have bladder and bowel problems
Information for patients attending the rapid access TIA clinic
Introducing the Discharge Lounge at Yeovil District Hospital
Queensway treatment and rehabilitation unit
Respiratory leaflets
Advice for snorers
If you have a collapsed lung
Information for patients having a bronchoscopy
Using oxygen home concentrators
Urology leaflets
Dietary advice for kidney stone formers
Frequency volume chart
Indwelling urinary catheters
Information for patients attending the erectile dysfunction clinic
Information for patients following retention of urine
Information for patients having a circumcision
Information for patients having a nephrectomy
Information for patients having a vasectomy
Information for patients having prostate surgery
Information for patients with a suprapubic catheter
Information for patients with newly diagnosed bladder cancer
Instructions for patients using Alprostadil
Intermittent Self-Catheterisation females
Intermittent Self-Catheterisation-male
MSU test
Radical Prostatectomy
Radical Prostatectomy after the operation
Stricture guide
Urodynamics investigation