The Carers’ Information Scheme has been developed for carers who would like to continue to support the person they care for while that person is in hospital. This could be with tasks such as washing, dressing, assisting with feeding and supporting them at night, or simply talking or reading to them.
We ask all carers to introduce themselves to the ward staff when they arrive in hospital, so that everyone is clear about their role while the patient is in hospital. We will make sure we note what you tell us in the patient notes, so that it helps communication between different teams of staff and the carer.
The Carer Sticker is issued daily to the carer by the ward and will allow them to visit the person they care for outside of visiting hours. Each day the carer is given a new sticker as this provides an opportunity for the carer and ward staff to discuss any issues.
If your caring duties mean that you are in the hospital for more than three hours, you will be entitled to free parking, discounted meals on the ward and overnight accommodation if needed. The nurse in charge of the ward will be able to help you with this.
If you would like to access the scheme, please speak with the nurse in charge of the ward. We are aware, however, that some carers do not wish to continue caring when the person they care for is in hospital and some carers choose to use this time as a period of respite. We are happy to support carers with their choice.