Our service
Our aim is to support you and your family following your diagnosis of diabetes. We will support you in managing your diabetes while you are at school, going to sleepovers with your friends, when you go on holiday or have a gap year and once you learn to drive or head of to university. From that first day following diagnosis through to first sleepover, first day at a new school, preparing for your first driving lesson and much, much more.
Our team will support you via telephone, clinic appointments, home visits or directing you to useful resources online.
At each clinic appointment you and your family will be seen by one of our consultant paediatricians, your key nurse, a paediatric dietitian and if requested our clinical psychologist. Our multidisciplinary team (MDT) clinic appointments are held at Yeovil District Hospital, South Petherton Community Hospital and Wincanton Community Hospital. Each young person and their family are offered 3 monthly appointments plus additional appointments/support as required. All advice and support we offer is based on the most up to date evidence and guidelines.
Our team
Our team consist of two consultants, three nurse specialists and two dietitians.
- https://www.diabetes.org.uk/
- https://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Diabetes/
- https://www.coeliac.org.uk/home/
- https://jdrf.org.uk/
- https://www.digibete.org/
- http://www.excarbs.com/
- http://www.runsweet.com/
- http://www.teamnovonordisk.com/sports-diabetes/
- https://www.uclh.nhs.uk/OurServices/ServiceA-Z/CYPS/PDIAB/Pages/Home.aspx
Weekdays: Contact the Diabetes Office on 01935 384694 or by email |
- Urgent out-of-hours advice (16:30 – 20:00 weekdays and 10:00 – 16:00 weekends) contact the Diabetes Nurse On call on 01935 606558. Your call will be answered by the paediatric diabetes nurse on call that week and may not be your key worker
- At all other times contact the hospital switchboard on 01935 475122 and ask to speak to the paediatric registrar on call
If you feel your child needs urgent medical attention, please contact 999. If you have a technical problem with an insulin pump, please contact the pump company directly on the 24hr helpline you have been given. |
10.00 – 20.00 - Weekends & Bank Holidays
Please use the following number 01935 606558
Your call will go directly to the Paediatric Diabetes Nurse on call for that week. This will be the only phone in use by the Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurses for out of hours advice. This may not be your keyworker, however the on call nurse will inform your keyworker of your call on their next working day.
- If you require advice between 22.00 – 09.00hrs please contact the Children’s Ward on 01935 384360 and ask to speak with the Paediatric Registrar on call.
- The paediatric dietitians can be contacted on 01935 384250.
Amy Beech – [email protected]
Michelle Smith – [email protected]
Julie Bond - [email protected]
Ref: 10/20/03
Review: 22/10/22