Yeovil Hospital has been investing in the future of the Trust’s diagnostic facilities to support patients and services across the county.
Within the last six months, the radiology department has been fitted with brand new equipment including two MRI machines and two CT scanners.
Upgrading the diagnostics facilities aids both the national plan to increase and improve diagnostic services and helps us provide high-quality patient care using the latest technology. Within the last year alone, Yeovil Hospital has seen more than 500 patients a day use the imaging facilities.
Head of Imaging Penny Parcell said: “Demand on radiology services has grown throughout the UK, especially with the increase of patients now being diagnosed with conditions such as cancer and requiring faster and more detailed investigation. Having a second MRI scanner at Yeovil Hospital is fantastic and allows us to increase our capacity and decrease wait times for patients.”
Delivery of the equipment was a unique challenge as the radiology department is situated in the centre of the hospital building. Both the MRI and CT scanners were delivered through the front doors of the hospital and passed through the Friends of Yeovil shop, with walls needing to be removed, to safely reach their new home in the department. This was an incredible task but teams across the hospital demonstrated amazing teamwork to make this happen.
Estates and Facilities Director Clive Radestock said: “Updating the services to provide the most up-to-date care for our community is a key priority at Yeovil Hospital and with the new advancements in place, we are able to increase our capacity and provided care to an ever growing community.”
The fantastic new facilities have supported the study and teaching of radiology students from Bristol and Exeter University, who awarded the department and team the ‘Medical Imaging Best Clinical Placement Team 2020-2021’ award. Out of 16 Trusts within the South West, Yeovil Hospital was chosen as the best place for a teaching placement.
Penny added: “We love having students come and do their placement with our staff. The future radiography students get hands on experience with knowledgeable members of the staff and our staff get the opportunity to hone their management and teaching skills. Being awarded Medical Imaging Best Clinical Placement Team is a testament to the hard work, care and support that all the radiology staff show the students, and how the overhaul of the department is not just helping our patients but also helping our future workforce. Thank you to all the teams involved in making sure our radiology department continues to be a safe and caring place for our patients.”
Moving forward, both ultrasound and X-ray rooms are scheduled for further investment and the hospital’s Fluoroscopy screening room (a room dedicated to an imaging procedure that uses pulses to take images of tissues inside the body) is scheduled for renewal this year.
Categorised in: Trust news and events
This post was written by Communications Team
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