Orchidopexy is a type of surgery to move an undescended testicle into the scrotum and permanently fix it there. Orchidopexy also describes the surgery used to resolve testicular torsion.
Your child will have two small wounds following surgery: one on the scrotum and one in the groin. The groin incision will be covered with dressings that will be left in place when you take him home.
At home
Check your child’s wounds: a small amount of clear bloodstained fluid or oozing from the wound is not unusual. However, contact your GP if the wound looks red.
Once you are home, give your child regular paracetamol (eg. Calpol) and ibuprofen (Nurofen) as directed on the bottle. Do this for the first 72 hours and as required thereafter.
Pain relief record
Please use this table to keep track of the pain relief you are giving your child.Drug name | Dose | Time last given | Next due |
The stitches usually dissolve in 10-14 days but may take longer. He may have a shower three days after the operation or a bath after seven days: it is important not to let the skin get soggy. If the dressings have not fallen off after a week, they can be taken off.
Your child should return to his normal diet within 24 hours following surgery. He may have some mild nausea and possibly vomiting the first six to eight hours following surgery. This is usually due to the side effects of anaesthesia and will disappear quite soon.
Your child should be able to return to school after a week or when he can walk normally and feel comfortable. He can go swimming once the wounds are healed usually after two weeks. He should not ride a bike or take part in school games for a month.
An outpatient appointment to ensure that the testicle is developing normally will be sent to you in the post. Typically this is at around 6 months after surgery.
If you have any questions or require further information or advice, please contact:
Day Surgery Unit (between 8am and 7pm): 01935 384 339
Children’s Ward (Ward 10): 01935 384 360
Ref: 10-17-121
Review: 11/19