Next week (Tuesday 6 March) a team from Somerset, including staff from the Eye Clinic at Yeovil Hospital, will be going to a remote part of Eastern Kenya to support the lives of people living in poverty.
Akamba Aid Fund has been working in this part of Kenya for nearly 20 years, and provides help in the form of education, water and medical care. The main project will be setting up a cataract surgery service in the eye clinic which was opened last year and Anna will working with the nurses and doctors to enable this vital service.
Ophthalmology Sister Anna Hanford Anna said:
“I’m so excited to be involved in this project and to be able to use my skills to help set up a life-changing service. Losing your sight is a daunting prospect and there are many cases where we can prevent this, so we can really make a difference.
“So many colleagues, friends and family have already helped but, alongside setting up the cataract surgery service, we want to take reading glasses (ready readers) and non-prescription sunglasses with us. In addition we will be working with improving lives of women in this area by taking bras.”
If you have any unwanted bras, sunglasses or reading glasses please bring them to the eye clinic on level three by Friday (2 March). All donations will be very grateful received.
Anna promises to share stories of her trip upon her return.
Categorised in: Trust news and events
This post was written by Communications Team
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