Yeovil Hospital is offering a new service to parents who are unable to accompany their baby to the Special Care Baby Unit following their baby’s birth.
The new initiative introduced by midwives offers families the chance to ‘Facetime’ their baby from their hospital bed giving the parents a chance to see their baby.
Bernadette Chubb, Clinical Leader on the Maternity Ward said: “This new technology enables mums of babies who have to be admitted for Special Care, but are too poorly to visit them straight after birth the opportunity to see their baby, check they are safe and start bonding with their new baby.
“When a baby has to be separated from their mum, this can often be very distressing for the whole family. If a mum is too poorly to go with her baby to the Special Care Baby Unit this new service enables some reassurance to the family. Our aim is to get mother and baby back together as soon as possible but this isn’t always possible. Seeing this new service in operation has been amazing.”
Zoe, mum of baby Kitto who was born by caesarean section and then transferred to the Special Care Baby Unit said: “It felt completely unnatural to be separated from him, but while I was recovering on the Labour Ward I was able to see him the whole time on the screen.
“When my husband Brendan went down to see him it was lovely to see them together, and I felt we were able to share the experience. I expressed my milk for him and it made it so much nicer and easier being able to see him while I was doing it. Thankfully I am now up and about and can spend as much time with Kitto as I can. This is a brilliant way to be ‘with’ your baby if you can’t be there in person.”
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This post was written by Communications Team
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