For Midwives who took their CBT after 2nd August 2021 – LAUNCHING IN 2022
- Assessment
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
The training for the New ToC part 2 is very different to the legacy training as it reflects the blue print for current student midwifery training in the UK. You are now expected to demonstrate your professional autonomy, and more clinical assessments have been included to reflect this. Also in the UK midwives are now taught to undertake the Examination of The Newborn (NIPE); You will cover elements of this assessment that are required for your TOC and within the team we have educators who have completed accredited PROMPT (Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) to be able to support you with this. Our training mirrors the NMC standards as set out in the ToC part 2 and you will cover all aspects of patient assessment, care-planning, safe drug administration and verbal patient evaluations using the SBAR tool (Situation, background, Assessment, Recommendation). Through classroom training and Moodle (our online learning platform) you will have exposure to the patient scenarios used at the test centres. Skills are taught during face to face training and you will also have access to videos posted on Moodle. Currently the skills are:
- Birth and systematic examination of the newborn (SEN)
- Post-natal sepsis
- Postpartum haemorrhage
- Shoulder dystocia
- Postnatal assessment and (SEN)
- Unexpected breech birth
Please note these skills are open to changes from the NMC as the TOC is ever evolving. We pride ourselves in keeping our training up-to-date and any changes are implemented in real time. You will also receive training in Evidence Based Practice and Professional Values, both of which are written stations.
You will be expected to complete some pre-course work in preparation for your training. When enrolling you will receive a login for our Moodle learning platform a week before the training and it is important that you complete and email in the pre-course work to be marked. This is part of your contractual requirement with us. Please do not leave your coursework to the last minute as we need to mark it and get feedback to you in a timely manner. You will need a work email address for the pre-course online NEWS2 training otherwise you will be requested to pay a small fee from this independent training provider (If you do not have a NHS email you will need to contact your recruitment support / practice educator to have this set up. This is your organisations responsibility).
At the end of your training we put you through a formal timed mock exam. This is to expose you to what you will experience at the test centres as you cannot underestimate how being timed during stations and also stress affects performance. Your will receive formal written feedback within 3-5 working days (The NMC feedback standard is 5-15 days).
Moodle access will be up until the point of passing your formal OSCE and we actively encourage candidates to submit work for review as this is part of our distance support and pastoral care. We are happy to accept written work, videos and audio recordings. This service is invaluable and sets us apart from other training providers. The use of this service is also reflected in our excellent pass rate.
Please note, that as part of your training agreement you will also be expected to share your NMC feedback from your OSCE exam with us. This is for our own peer review to ensure we continue to deliver an excellent service. We also want to be able to congratulate you on your success as it is the first milestone of your UK career.