We are very sorry that your pregnancy is not on-going. You have opted to have a medical evacuation - this is to ensure that your pregnancy can be passed to reduce your risk of infection.

The aim of this page is to provide you with information about the procedure and what to expect.

The procedure will routinely be as follows

You have been asked to attend Jasmine Ward on



It is helpful if you bring with you an overnight bag and any medication you are currently taking in case you need to stay overnight, although this is unusual; routinely you should plan to stay all day.

You will be able to eat and drink throughout the day although you are advised to not drink carbonated drinks or eat fried foods or chocolate as they may make you feel sick.
After having the vaginal pessary you will notice an increase in abdominal discomfort. This can be strong and cramping. You will be given pain relief as required. This will be in the form of tablets or an injection.

You will also experience vaginal bleeding which will become heavier but settle once the pregnancy has been passed. It is important to place a cardboard liner in the toilet and mark your name on it each time you need to pass urine or open your bowels so we can determine when the pregnancy has been passed.

If your blood group is rhesus negative you will need an injection; the nurse caring for you will advise you further.
You will need to use sanitary towels and not tampons for any bleeding experienced during and after the procedure. Tampons may increase the risk of infection.

Once you have passed the pregnancy any pain and bleeding should become less. You are required to stay a minimum of two hours after the procedure is complete so that your condition can be monitored and any bleeding checked prior to your discharge home.

It is necessary that a responsible adult take you home and stay with you overnight.

Although uncommon, if the pregnancy has not been passed you may be advised to stay overnight if you are experiencing pain or heavy bleeding. However, you may be allowed to go home and a scan will be arranged in seven to ten days to assess if you have passed the pregnancy whilst at home.

You must also not take aspirin, ibuprofen or mefanamic acid (Postan) for two weeks as these could increase any bleeding you experience.

You can expect to bleed quite moderately, or ‘period-like’, for approximately a fortnight after the procedure. Only mild discomfort should be experienced. Painkillers such as paracetomol should help.

You should aim to have at least two days off of work, or more if required. You can self-certify for up to seven days.

Although unlikely, should you experience any symptoms of infection such as a high temperature or feeling generally unwell or an offensive vaginal discharge you should seek medical advice from your GP.

Useful contacts and telephone numbers

Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC)
Jasmine Ward
Telephone: 01935 384 385

Miscarriage Association
Telephone: 01924 200 799

Yeovil Pregnancy Crisis Centre
Telephone: 07896 630 296

Ref: 14-16-155
Review: 08/18