Monday 5 October to Friday 9 October is Malnutrition Awareness Week and the dietitians at Yeovil Hospital have for identifying the risk of malnutrition in your relatives and friends.

Malnutrition is a severe condition that occurs when your diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients and can influences frailty through muscle deterioration and cognitive impairment, leading to an increased risk of falls and an inability to go about daily tasks.

Malnutrition was reported to affect more than three million people in the UK (pre-COVID-19), but since the pandemic, it has been reported that nearly five million adults are experiencing “food insecurity”. This includes a risk of malnutrition among vulnerable communities in the UK, including many older adults and those from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds (BAME).Of those that are affected by malnutrition in the UK, about 1.3 million are over the age of 65. Often elderly people living alone have a reduced number of daily meals, significantly lowering their daily intake of protein, fruits and vegetables in the diet in relation to elderly living in a family environment.

Our dietitians urge you all to check up on your family and friends and use the information and guidance below to ensure your relatives are well or guide them to seek professional help if needed.

The information and guidance provided below are from the organisation BAPEN, the British Dietetic Association and the Patient Webinars website which have evidence-based guidance on malnutrition and eating well after illness.


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