Relief of discomfort

The local anaesthetic that you have had will wear off in the next 1 to 2 hours.

For the first 24 hours your child may need regular paracetamol and/or ibuprofen. The ward nurses will advise you before discharge. If your child is in a lot of pain and pain relief does not seem to help after 48 hours then you need advice from your GP.


 We have removed a polyp. . You should get the results in a few weeks. The results will also be sent to your Consultant and your GP


Tissue Samples have been taken for analysis. You should get the results in a few weeks. The results will also be sent to your Consultant and your GP

Further Advice

An endoscope has been passed into your bowel. You may experience some wind pain for some time after the procedure because of the gas used during the procedure – this will settle

You can resume a normal diet and your normal medication when you return home, unless advised otherwise.


Complications are very rare, but it is important to recognise the signs. If you experience severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, chills or a large bleed.

A small amount of blood and a generalised ache is to be expected following a biopsy or polyp removal. 

It will be necessary for you to have this procedure again in ………  Weeks / Months /Years. However if you have further symptoms / problems in the meantime please see your GP.

You have been informed of any other procedures required and an appointment will be sent to you in the post



If you have any questions or require further advice, please contact:   

08.00 – 19.00Day Surgery Unit01935 384339
 Ward 1001935 384360

If you have any serious concerns outside of these hours please contact either your own GP, 111, Accident and Emergency or the Minor Injuries Unit                                           

Ref: 10/22/142

Review: 02/24