- The SANDS Snowdrop group -The Snowdrop Group - Yeovil SANDS - Home | Facebook
Pregnancy and Baby loss support charity based in Yeovil. They offer group peer support monthly now taking place in person and also a befriender service for individual support.
- Towards Tomorrow Together –Towards Tomorrow Together - Home | Facebook
Pregnancy and Baby loss support charity based in Bridgwater. Offer a range of services to families, including birth planning, memory boxes, doula support, group support and holistic therapies for families both experiencing a loss or in subsequent pregnancies.
- Little Daffodils-Little Daffodils - Home | Facebook
A pregnancy and baby loss support charity based in Chard. Run support groups and donate sibling support boxes to our hospital.
- Rosie Crane Trust- Welcome to the Rosie Crane Trust - Supporting bereaved parents
Support parents who have suffered the bereavement of a child at any age. Offer monthly drop ins, 24 hour listening ear helpline and counselling support.
- Counselling4 Yeovil-Counselling4Yeovil | Affordable professional counselling
Families can self refer for free counselling for couples who have suffered a loss in Yeovil or surrounding areas.
- Pregnancy Crisis Support Mendip-Pregnancy Crisis Support - Mendip (g-pccc.org.uk)
Provide free counselling for couples, who can self-refer, if they have suffered a loss in Glastonbury, Wells, Street, Bridgwater, Frome, Shepton Mallet, Weston-Super-Mare, Bath, Wincanton and Castle Cary.
Support for partners:
A closed Facebook local group for Dads who have suffered the loss of their baby.
- SANDs run a SAND United Football Club- https://www.sands.org.uk/get-involved/sands-united-fc
- The Compassionate friends -Private Facebook Groups - Compassionate Friends
Offer a range of different types of groups depending on the type of loss to support all families including LGBTQ parents.
- Petals counselling- Petals - Groups | Facebook
Have support groups for Dads and Grandparents
- Twins Trust-Bereavement Support Group (twinstrust.org)
Support groups tailored for parents of twins.
For sibling support:
- We offer sibling support boxes provided by Little Daffodils to families.
- Local charities run family events providing valuable support including the Snowdrop Group and Towards tomorrow Together.
- Josephine’s Star- Josephine’s Star | Supporting Grieving Children | Somerset (josephinesstar.org.uk)
Josephine’s star can offer one-to-one support sessions working with children to explore their grief and develop coping strategies, tailoring this to each child whilst designed to be fun. Working in conjunction with families, carers and schools to ensure the most positive outcomes for children.
Provide a bereavement related story books aimed at siblings following a baby loss and following a pregnancy after a loss.
A national charity providing emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and those who care for them. They have a free helpline and online chat options.
National charities:
- Miscarriage Association The Miscarriage Association: Pregnancy loss information and support
- The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust-The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust | EPT
- SANDS –Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society Sands | Stillbirth and neonatal death charity
- Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC) Home | ARC supports parents throughout antenatal testing and its consequences (arc-uk.org)
- Bliss- For babies born premature or sick | Bliss
- Twins trust - Twins Trust - We support twins, triplets and more…
- Child bereavement UK- Child Bereavement UK
- The Lullaby Trust- The Lullaby Trust - Safer sleep for babies, Support for families
- Saying goodbye- Saying Goodbye - support for miscarriage and baby and infant loss
- Tommys- Together, for every baby - Charity for Babies | Tommy’s (tommys.org)
- Aching Arms Aching Arms – the charity bringing comfort after baby loss
- Together for short lives Together for Short Lives: Children’s Charities - Children Hospices
- 4Louis How We Offer Support (4louis.co.uk)
- Muslim Bereavement Support Service How Can We Help You? » Muslim Bereavement Support Service (mbss.org.uk)