Yeovil Camera Club has kindly donated a range of photos from their wellbeing collection to be enjoyed in Yeovil Hospital’s Queensway department.
Art is an important form of therapy and around the hospital, art is used to help brighten up the clinical environment, improve the atmosphere and provide a welcome distraction. The photos are a collection of local scenery, animals and items that spark joy and enhance personal wellbeing.
Yeovil Hospital’s Art and Design Coordinator Caroline Barnes said: “I have wanted to put this exhibition up for some months. The Camera Club has been able to provide us with some great images that reflect mood, activity and the beauty of our local environment. I know they will bring benefits to both staff and patients as they walk around the hospital. I am so pleased to have such talented local individuals supporting our hospital.”
Yeovil Camera Club’s Membership Secretary Hilary Forward said: “We wanted to support our local hospital at a time that has been quite difficult for many, especially on our mental health. Photography is a great form of therapy; it allows you to forget the rest of the world and focus on the moment. We hope by sharing our images we would have given someone else a small break from reality.”
Although we have restrictions on visitors, we know that our staff and patients will love this collection of images and so no one misses out, you can find all the beautiful photos below.
Yeovil Camera Club will be supporting our hospital through a second exhibition later in the year on the theme of Water. To find out more about the club visit their Facebook page or www.yeovilcameraclub.co.uk or contact the Hilary on yccmembership@gmail.com

Categorised in: Trust news and events
This post was written by Communications Team
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