Last week the Children’s Ward at Yeovil Hospital welcomed some little visitors for a career-themed trip.

The seven preschool-aged girls are visiting various work places around the local area as part of a project aimed at finding out what their parents do at work, and increasing their awareness of the world around them.

The trip was organised by local childminders Kellie Passmore and Lucy Ratcliffe who have joined together to plan these experiences for the children in their care.

Kellie said: “It’s so difficult for little ones to understand what their mummies and daddies do at work and often what they think they do is wildly different from the reality. We spoke to the parents about our aim to take the children to each work place to help them with their understanding and they’ve all been extremely supportive.

“The trip to Yeovil Hospital opened up a lot of conversations and, most importantly, the children had fun!”

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