The standard weekly hours of all full-time NHS staff covered by Agenda for Change are 37.5 hours excluding meal breaks. Employees who are required to be available to provide on-call cover outside their normal working hours will be entitled to receive a pay enhancement. This enhancement recognises both their availability to provide cover and any advice given by telephone during periods of on-call duties.
Within each pay band there are a number of points to allow pay progression. Staff progress from point to point on an annual basis to the top point in their pay band, provided their performance is satisfactory and they have the agreed knowledge and skills appropriate to that part of the pay band, and demonstrated through the annual appraisal process.
Annual leave and public holidays
Staff covered by Agenda for Change will receive the entitlement to annual leave and general public holidays as set out below:
- On appointment 27 days + 8 days
- After five years’ service 29 days + 8 days
- After ten years’ service 33 days + 8 days
Part-time employees will receive the same entitlements on a pro-rata basis to full-time colleagues.
NHS Pension Scheme
The majority of Trust employees are entitled to join the NHS Pension Scheme and this will happen automatically on appointment. Employees can opt-out by completing an opt-out form.
The Trust’s Pensions Manager is a member of the Human Resources Team and can deal with the majority of employee’s enquiries. The Trust can only give information concerning the Pension Scheme and cannot give advice. If you require pension advice then you should seek independent advice. Information about the Scheme can be obtained from the NHS Pension Scheme website
Contribution rates range from 5% to 14.5% dependent on salary and these qualify for tax relief. The Trust makes an employer contribution of 14.3%.
You can transfer benefits from previous pension schemes where you may have preserved benefits. This has to be done within the first 12 months of joining or rejoining the NHS Pension Scheme. A Transfer Booklet is available from the Pensions Manager.
As of the 6th April 2017 there is a new state pension, for more information regarding this, see here.
The following benefits are available to employees working for Yeovil District Hospital:
Staff canteen, coffee bar and vending facilities
The canteen provides hot meals, salads and sandwiches between 8am and 5pm and 6.30pm and 8pm on weekdays and from 8am to 2pm and 6.30pm to 8pm on weekends and bank holidays. Outside these hours vending machines are available both in the canteen and in the A&E and Women’s Hospital waiting areas. Snacks are also available in the Coffee Shop located in the Outpatients Department on Level 3 on weekdays and in the Hospital Shop in the main entrance.
Hospital shop
Newspapers, magazines, stamps, gifts, cards and toiletries can be bought in the Friends of Yeovil Hospital shop. It is open from 9am to 8pm on weekdays and between 2.30pm and 4.30pm and 6.30pm and 8pm at weekends.
Car parking
We now have a new car park on site for patients, visitors and staff. Where possible, staff are encouraged to walk, cycle or use public transport, however if you want to apply for a parking permit please ask your line manager for more information.
Flexible working
The Trust aims to be a flexible and family-friendly employer. Flexible working is allowed when it does not have an adverse impact on the effective running of the Hospital. Please discuss this with your line manager.
Staff Discounts
A number of organisations, both local and national, give discounts to NHS staff.
Education Centre and 24 hour Library access
The academy is the hospital’s in-house education and training facility incorporating all of the functions of teaching for staff and students. We also offer a selection of training courses and events to external organisations and individuals.
The Academy maintains strong links with several higher education institutions and we aim to provide an environment that encourages and supports both practical learning and formal education.