Following your appointment today, it has not been possible to confirm whether your pregnancy is likely to continue or not. We know that it can be difficult to take in all the facts when you are worried and upset, especially in a hospital environment.
There are three main reasons for us not being able to tell you exactly what is happening:
- it is simply too early to see the pregnancy
- the pregnancy is not growing as it should, and that is possibly why you have started bleeding
- there is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the womb) although this is rare, at this stage cannot be excluded and is too early to diagnose
Blood test
To help us find out what is happening we need to check the pregnancy hormone levels in your blood and perhaps repeat the scan at a later date depending on the result of the blood test.
The pregnancy hormone that is measured is called hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin). It is a hormone produced by the placental tissue and its level roughly doubles every 48 hrs in a normally growing pregnancy. If the pregnancy is failing the hormone levels reduces. We are concerned about an ectopic pregnancy when the hormone levels remain static. The EPAC staff will contact you after your second blood test with the results and plan. If you had not heard from the nurses by 6pm, please call Jasmine Ward.
Further advice
Bleeding alone or associated with some abdominal pain can be very common, and as long as it is not too heavy (e.g. heavier than a period) you can stay at home. If you develop any sharp pains or are aware of an increasing (possibly cramping) discomfort, you may take paracetamol tablets.
However, if the pain becomes unacceptable and you are worried then we advise you to contact either your GP who will arrange for you to attend the EPAC sooner than your arranged appointment or if it is out of hours e.g. night time, then you should attend the Emergency Department.
Both the EPAC and the ward staff are ready to support you during this difficult time. Please do not hesitate to phone for advice and support.
Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC) Jasmine Ward
Tel: 01935 384 385
Miscarriage Association
Tel: 01924 200799
Yeovil Pregnancy Crisis Centre
Tel: 07896 630 296