What is a HyCoSy examination?
This simple procedure enables us to check whether your fallopian tubes are patent (clear) for an egg to pass through. It also allows us to examine the uterine cavity (womb) to check for abnormalities.
This outpatient procedure is carried out in the ultrasound department, Women’s Health and Maternity Unit at Yeovil District Hospital.
Your appointment will last approximately 45 minutes.
The procedure
On arrival in the department you will be asked to empty your bladder.
An internal ultrasound scan will first be carried out to check your womb and ovaries. An instrument called a speculum will then be gently inserted into the vagina (as with a smear test) to enable the sonographer to see the cervix (entrance to the womb).
A fine tube or catheter is then passed into the cervix and into the uterine cavity. The catheter has a very small balloon at the tip that is inflated to hold it in place inside the uterine cavity. The speculum is then removed from the vagina leaving the catheter in place.
Following this, the ultrasound probe is reinserted and a small amount of water passed through the catheter to show up the lining and cavity of the uterus. Finally, a small amount of contrast solution is then passed through the catheter to enable the sonographer to check the fallopian tubes.
Will it hurt?
You may experience some mild or moderate discomfort rather like period pain whilst the procedure is taking place - therefore, we suggest you take some painkillers such as Ibuprofen an hour before your appointment. It is advisable you bring someone with you to accompany you home.
To make your appointment
This procedure needs to be carried out within 15 days of your period starting but cannot be done while you are still bleeding. Please phone Radiology to make your appointment on 01935 384576 on the first day of your period. Radiology telephone lines are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
Please phone on the Monday if your period starts at a weekend. If you have irregular periods it may be necessary for you to do a pregnancy test to confirm you are not pregnant on the morning of the examination.
What are the risks?
- You may experience some vaginal bleeding after the procedure but this normally settles within a few hours. You are therefore advised to bring some sanitary protection to use following the procedure.
- There is a very small risk of pelvic (tummy) infection after this procedure, but a sterile technique is used to reduce this risk.
- If you are already pregnant this test could cause a miscarriage, we therefore suggest that you do not have sex from the start of your period until after the HyCoSy.
- In about five per cent of HyCoSy tests, the pictures produced are unclear. If this is the case, you may need to return for further tests.
Follow up arrangements
You will need to telephone the Fertility Clinic reception on 01935 384 411 to arrange an appointment after the HyCoSy to discuss the results of the examination.
The department is open Monday, Wednesday afternoon and Friday.
If you have any queries about the contents of this leaflet, please contact the ultrasound department and speak to:
Andrea Gane or Amanda Golledge
Radiology Department
01935 384 275
Or contact
Helen Butt
Fertility sister
07825 255 621